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Баннер в шапке 2

"KIP Service" was implemented by automatic telephone exchange on the Avaya platform

Customers: KIP Service

Kazan; Construction and industry of construction materials

Contractors: San Côme
Product: Avaya IP Office

Project date: 2013/04  - 2013/06


On June 26, 2014 the Avaya company announced implementation of a communication framework of Avaya IPO in KIP-Service company. The project executed the San Côme system integrator.

Project Tasks

The KIP-Service company has serious ambitions - to expand business and to increase efficiency of work. Implementation of these plans is impossible without modern communication environment in which there are many business processes. Solutions which the company used earlier in need of expansion and implementation of new features required complete replacement of the equipment. Decided to find the system allowing flexible and economic scaling.

Set the task for the system integrator: increase the power of the existing automatic telephone exchange, improve quality and reduce communication cost, organize economic mobile communication, including long-distance, for the employees who are out of jobs.

Project Progress

After studying of a situation, the San Côme company proposed the solution on the Avaya IPO platform. As external channels saved 8 most important analog lines, added 10 SIP trunks to them. In sales department and to heads of structural divisions installed digital telesets and the management program Phone Manager. In addition for managers of sales department organized an opportunity to make across Russia the cell phone, without using expensive mobile communication, and only resources set at office automatic telephone exchange. For this purpose used the FNE function when the incoming call on the special short number from FMTN network goes to FNE service of the Avaya IP Office station. After authorization calling gets access to the services of the station (city/long-distance call/VMail) permitted for it as though he called from the stationary worker, but not the mobile phone.

Project Results

From the moment of end of the first stage of implementation, the company grew twice, the number of clients and orders for which processing will unroll contact center Avaya IPO on 4 agents with integration with increased CRM Terrasoft, and the number of subscribers of automatic telephone exchange is increased from 56 to 112.