Customers: ATFBANK Almaty; Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: WebSoft (Vebsoft Development) Product: WebTutorProject date: 2007/11 - 2008/06
1. Company Description
1.1. The industries in which the company works
Banking business (Republic of Kazakhstan)
1.2. Territorial Distribution
20 branches, 2 representations (Moscow, Kyrgyzstan)
1.3. Number of Staff
More than 4000 employees
1.4. Staff Categories Who Use the System
- Leading employees
- Non-management employees
2. Solved Problems / Assigned Tasks
2.1. Business Requirements For Implementation
The main objective – training and testing of personnel. And also:
- Informing on the training events held in bank
- Providing uniform standards of training in all bank branches
2.2. What business processes had to be automated
- Distance learning of personnel (distance learning generally employees of the front office)
- Testing of employees according to the results of training
- The automatic expense accounting on personnel training.
2.3. Criteria of Successful Implementation at the Planning Stage
- Reliability of system operation
- Availability of the educational portal in all bank branches
- System interface, convenient for users
The accurate task description on the divisions participating in an implementation project of this software product was one of the main criteria of success of implementation.
2.4. Project Planning (Requirements, Analysis of Business Processes).)
The technical specifications which specialists of bank had to fill IT were sent. Unfortunately, when forming technical specifications some moments were not considered (for example, now there is a problem that in base already nonexistent divisions and the dismissed employees remain to hang). There was it because at once all systems capabilities were not stipulated.
3. Project Parameters
3.1. Terms of Implementation and Milestones of the Project
The beginning of the project – November, 2007 Implementation and setup of a system – January, 2008 Implementation in all bank branches – June, 2008
3.2. Project Team on Customer Side (from IT and grom HR). Roles in the Team, How the Interaction Took Place
- The project manager – full employment on the project
- Specialists – 1 human resources manager and 1 IT the specialist who was engaged in work with the server.
3.3. The Main Difficulties During the Project
The difficulty now still exists, it is connected with the non-standard organization of an input on the Educational Portal - without input of a user name and the password. Employees should get after clicking a banner the portal at once, but so far it not really turns out.
3.4. Did the Time and Financial Costs Correspond to the Previously Planned
Time expenditure almost corresponded, just there was a small delay connected with parallel implementation of the Aksapta program. Finance costs at the moment correspond planned, but if the customer after all decides to eliminate those defects which were not considered in time of writing of technical specifications, then they should be paid in addition.
3.5. What restrictions of IT infrastructure affected the project
Serious restrictions were not.
4. Project Development
4.1. Development plans (what automation of business processes is still planned)
- Further development of electronic rates
- Further development of a system regarding automation of the main business processes connected with personnel training
- Use of the Educational portal for holding web conferences and webinars using technology of the Virtual class
4.2. Filling With Content - How to Solve the Problem
Electronic rates are developed on:
- to products of financing of small and medium business
- to products of retail lending
- to retail sales (deposits, etc.)
Rates on products of bank are developed by own forces, and specialists of bank do not ask for the help other companies for development of rates. But together with the WebTutor system ready rates of WebSoft company which very much are pleasant to employees of the bank were purchased and they with pleasure study them.
4.3. Team to Support and Develop the System
- Project manager
- Specialist of Department of personnel management
- IT the specialist - part-time employment on the project at emergence of problems on the server
When developing product electronic rates as experts the staff of divisions of Head Bank who develops the corresponding products are involved.
5. Project Results
5.1. Results (Quantitative And Qualitative)
- The Educational portal available to all employees of the bank is open
- In 9 months of work of the portal about 1,500 employees successfully were trained.
- The expense accounting on all training events of bank is already completely configured and will be used from 4th quarter that it was more convenient to consider.
- A system is integrated with the system of personnel records Aksapta
5.2. Economic Efficiency
Formal calculations were not carried out, but according to the Customer implementation of such system is very economic as allows to cover without special costs training events of all employees in all branches.
5.3. The Most Significant Results Are Something Most Notable
- Availability of the Educational portal in all bank branches
- Integration with the system of personnel records Aksapta
5.4. Reaction of Staff of the Company on System Implementation
Employees are happy with implementation of this program as this form of training offers training in time, convenient for them. Besides acquired bank at WebSoft company electronic rates very relevant for the employees.
For more details see. "Opinion of employees on distance learning in Bank".
5.5. A feedback from heads (the company and divisions) according to the results of system implementation
Unfortunately, yet there was no opportunity to purposefully collect responses from heads. But all of them only positive as there are a lot of advantages, basic of which – considerable cost reduction and a possibility of training in time, convenient for the employees.