Customers: Central research institute of structural materials Prometey
Contractors: Compass Product: Compass: BudgetingНа базе: ERP system Compass Project date: 2012/01 - 2014/09
Number of licenses: 22
Software Selection
The satisfaction with results of long-term operation of the ERP system "COMPASS" led to the fact that the Management of Institute accepted the decision on control automation by budget process using the module "the COMPASS: Budgeting". As undoubted plus work of again implemented software in uniform informatsinny space with already implemented was considered.
General Description of the Project
This project inherently was the 4th stage of the uniform project on a vedreniye of the ERP system and was put in commercial operation in December, 2014. Calculation of all budgets is made completely automatically on the basis of the initial data entered in other subsystems of a complex.
Some Specific Features of the Project
- In the course of control automation budget process implements automatic calculation of a large number of different budgets (about 80) with difficult hierarchical interrelations.
- At automation of budgeting the complete elimination of repeated data entry is implemented – all original informatin undertakes from entered earlier in other modules ERP systems "COMPASS" of primary documents. Planned data arrive from the Automated control system for Contract Activities, and actual – from a subsystem of accounting and tax accounting. Calculation of all budgets is made completely automatically.
- Using an ACS of Budget Process the management accounting allowing to estimate a condition of the enterprise on any timepoint is implemented.
- All budgets are calculated both taking into account work in progress, and without it that allows to control more strictly dynamics of profitability and unprofitability of each budget.
- The function of determination of expediency of calculation of the budget performing check whether it is already possible to calculate the budget of the following level, on date and time of formation of budgets of the bottom levels is developed.