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Баннер в шапке 2

Telesens: Tinterconnect (T-IC)

Developers: Telesens - Telesens
Technology: OSS/BSS

Tinterconnect (T-IC) is the modern, effective system of ensuring settlement between operators of telecommunication services.


  • Accounting and the analysis of traffic between operators;
  • Calculation of cost of traffic in accordance with the terms agreements;
  • Formation of the accounts given for exposure to partners;
  • Control of the bills which are made out by partners in interconnect.

It can be applied with success, both large international and national telecom operators, and small regional operators and providers of telecommunication services.

A system provides accomplishment of functions:

Maintaining contractual, normative and help and accounting information

  • Maintaining interoperator tariff agreements (agreements), support of different types of schemes of settlement with operators, ensuring their setup for specific requirements of business.
  • Maintaining the reference information about network topology, services, the directions, tariff models, etc.

Tariffing of accounting information

  • Acceptance and processing of initial accounts or directly from a switching equipment, or undergone preprocessing using Mediation device.
  • Support of data entry of different formats, automatic recognition of formats and the corresponding converting of credentials in the internal unified T-IC system format.
  • Tariffing of services taking into account different types of traffic, service, the directions, temporary zones, duration of a call, total amount of traffic, etc. At this one CDR (Call Detail Records) can be connected with one or several agreements (tariff positions).
  • Carrying out recalculations at change of initial data about calls and/or change of conditions of agreements, recalculation of cost of traffic at change of rates without the appeal to initial CDR.
  • Identification and correction of wrong situations when processing accounting information, carrying out required recalculations.

Formation of accounts, reports, data analysis

  • Formation of the accounts given for exposure to partners, control of the bills which are made out by partners in interconnect.
  • The automated audit of accounts (reconciliation of the proceeding and entering accounts at settlement with operators, support of permission of disputable situations at settlement).
  • Control of each point of the account with a possibility of interpretation up to separate calls for settlement of disagreements on accounts.
  • Reports generation on the processed accounting information.
  • The choice of the best route – optimization of traffic distribution between available routes on the basis of the analysis of the acting and planned agreements between operators and statistics of real traffic for any period.

Administration of a system

  • Administration of a system for accomplishment of functions of setup, control and ensuring data protection.
  • Automatic control of the tasks which are carried out in a system (loading and processing of credentials, formation of accounts and reports, execution of operations on export and import of data, etc.).


Expansion of opportunities

The amount of the traffic processed by a system, and the number of agreements between operators are limited only to a configuration program and hardware.

The flexible structure of agreements based on use of the configured templates allows to describe any agreement as a set of hierarchically connected positions. It gives the chance to add new agreement types without change of a database structure, to implement flexible tariff policy, to reduce time to entry into the market of new and more difficult scenarios of business.

Integration with OSS/ BSS- the systems of the operator

A system can be operated as it is independent, and in a uniform fabrication cycle with the system of subscriber billing and with other information systems of the operator. The T-IC system provides processing of the accounting information arriving at the same time from different switches. This system supports different types of services and standards of communication.

The T-IC system contains all necessary tools for implementation of new services and standards of communication (a flexible task of new types of services on the basis of rules, the analysis of service quality, tariffing on elements, support of previously rated CDR, IP-interconnect and processings of content). A system supports drawing of convergent accounts for the provided services.

Use of highly effective algorithms of tariffing

The powerful mechanism of tariffing supports any type of schemes of settlement with operators, providing a possibility of their setup under specific requirements of business. Except normal tariff models, this mechanism provides:

  • use of matrixes of tariff groups;
  • application of distribution models of income between operators;
  • providing different discount types depending on amounts of services or payment amounts, support of cross discounts;
  • possibility of combination of different models of tariffing of CDR (temporary pulse and step models) for each contract line item;
  • charges of accounts for the events which are not connected with use of resources of network (lease of lines and premises, one-time payments, etc.).

Prevention of financial losses

Automation of audit of accounts.

Powerful tools of control of accounts with a possibility of the analysis of results up to separate calls.

Careful control of processing of calls, identification and correction of wrong situations when processing accounting information.

Income acquisition from optimization of routes

Optimization of traffic distribution between available routes on the basis of the analysis of the acting or planned agreements between operators and statistics of real traffic for any period. Providing reasoned decisions about change of routing of traffic on the basis of the analysis of the passing traffic and the corresponding rates on all operators for determination of the minimum cost of a route taking into account communication quality and capacity of channels.

Processing process automation

Flexible automatic control of tasks, periodic executed in a system. Ability to manage accomplishment of processes, viewing protocols of work of tasks, automatic and manual start and stop of processes. Well-tried remedies of control of accomplishment of tasks.

Program and equipment

The T-IC system uses two-level architecture the client-server:

The client – T-IC functions under OS MS Windows (XP, Vista).

The server – as the hardware of a database server and the server of call processing any platforms supporting Oracle can be used.

The T-IC system is operated on servers of the following types:

DBMS is Oracle 10g.