Customers: Alfa-Bank Russia
Contractors: IT Product: PegaRULES Process Commander (PRPC)Project date: 2014/03 - 2014/09
On August 20, 2014 the IT company announced end of the first phase of works on system implementation of business process management of Pega PRPC in Alfa-Bank. Works were carried out by IT company.
Project Tasks
The project is directed to increase in efficiency of the managers working with salary clients and is in no small measure interesting that it for the first time in Russia is implemented on methodology of SCRUM (engl. "fight").
The essence of methodology of SCRUM comes down to the fact that several times a month show to the customer the new functionality added to a system from the moment of the last demonstration. In addition, requirements are specified throughout all implementation cycle that allows to consider changes of business priorities and to quickly eliminate errors and discrepancies in requirements, and, above all – to achieve the amazing involvement both business, and IT. In world practice of implementation of Pega PRPC this approach is already the standard de facto, in Russia this practice is applied for the first time.
Main objectives of this project became: increase in number of salary accounts for 10%; decrease in time of involvement of the companies for salary projects; the centralized information storage on communications with the companies within their attraction on salary projects; safety of information; increase in co-ordination of actions of staff of different departments.
The project directed to increase in efficiency of the managers working with salary clients is in no small measure interesting that it for the first time in Russia was implemented on methodology of SCRUM (engl. "fight"). Successfully to use flexible methodology of development at Pega PRPC implementation, specialists of IT studied during the project as by own forces (at practice), and with involvement of foreign trainers from vendor.
Project Progress
"Implementation of this technology of process management is very important for us because it increases efficiency of our work and helps us to reach business objectives in a more reliable and correct way in terms of and IT and business perspectives. That pleases me in the joint project with IT company - the speed and quality of work and also initiative of partners in the course of implementation", - Martin Piletski the head of the Information technologies Block of Alfa-Bank noted.
"The project is interesting, first of all, that specialists IT for the first time in Russia used flexible methodology of development at implementation Pega Pega PRPC. Therefore a part of people studied during the project as by own forces (at practice), and with involvement of foreign trainers from vendor, – emphasized Alexey Lapshin, the director of the Center of project service of the company IT, – We approached creation of a system not as external consultants and as though did it for themselves, and, partly, exactly thanks to it the project made success and was highly appreciated by the customer".