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SCOUT Platform Foundation

The name of the base system (platform): SCOUT - Satellite Control, Analytics and Control of Transport
Developers: SCOUT
Last Release Date: August, 2014
Technology: Satellite communication and navigation

SCOUT Group provided in August, 2014 SCOUT Platform Foundation – the plaginny system implemented as a part of the updated software SCOUT Platform 1.2. This development allows clients and partners to adapt as much as possible a System SCOUT for own needs and to expand its basic opportunities depending on specifics of business.

The software package SCOUT Platform who left at the end of 2013 is the flagship product of SCOUT Group integrating developments in the field of satellite control, analytics and control of transport. From the moment of the beginning of transition of clients of a System SCOUT on the new software, specialists of group collected all responses about work with a new product. As a result there was a version in which a number of errors was corrected, new features are added and the SPF system created on the basis of wishes of partners is implemented.

SCOUT Platform Foundation gives the chance, first of all, to develop based on software SCOUT Platform individual solutions according to specifics of business of each specific company. At the same time, the client can charge development to order not only to specialists of SCOUT Group and partners of group, but other system integrators or own programmers. Also using SPF equipment manufacturers and softwares can integrate the products with a System SCOUT, an example of what is the joint project of SCOUT Group and 1C-Rarus. It, image the plaginny SPF system becomes the useful tool for all who are connected with the solution of transport and logistic tasks.

"the Plaginny SCOUT Platform Foundation system – it is valid the innovation and the development of our command which already proved the efficiency. With its help clients receive custom completion of software, and partners – a method of additional earnings. Advantages of our plaginny system consist in stability, security, fault tolerance and operational development to order, in particular, by forces of third-party specialists. For example, based on SPF we attracted Arcadia and First Line Software companies to check of a possibility of autonomous creation of plug-ins" together with which successfully developed several solutions. Plus lately we independently created a number of interesting plug-ins, including, under individual requirements of our clients", - Ivan Kotov, the top manager of products of SCOUT Group comments.

On the basis of SCOUT Platform Foundation in software SCOUT Platform plug-ins "Trips of drivers" and "Safe driving" are implemented. Also using SPF the plug-in of SPIK (Service of program integration and communication) through which the SCOUT Click web interface works is developed and integration with 1C is implemented. Being the convenient tool for development of plug-ins, SPF allows to create exclusive solutions for customers that helps their business to react to the changing market demands timely.