The Russian online edition about technical means of security.
YuM of the Security system (YUM)
1999: Start of the website
In the first version of the website it consisted of only five headings: "Directory", Forum, "Banner system", Shop and News.
2000: 1000 users are registered
On about 1000 participants of the market of security are registered
2001: Updating of Catalog.Sec.Ru
- Upgraded version of Catalog.Sec.Ru service.
- Among innovations "The index of activity there are organizations" which sense that the more actively the registered company takes part in other projects, the higher appears in search results
- Attendance of Sec.Ru exceeded a mark of 1000 visits in day
- Emergence of rating of
- Start of rating of the websites of the companies of the industry
- Upgraded version of service Requests ( began to work. The main feature of service is that the request sent by any user of the server selectively is sent only in those firms which he noted, proceeding from the direction them to activity.
2002: Start of a news feed
- The first offline project. The portal organized and held the first informal meeting of workers of the industry of SECurity
- Sec.Ru organized Informal meeting of specialists in video surveillance. It was provided in the program of an action: testing of video systems, is a lot of beer, real-life interesting communication. The event drew broad attention of specialists.
- Start of Publications on Sec.Ru service ( Start of the full information section.
- Internet broadcasting from the VII International forum "Security technologies" is organized. Eight cameras via which the events at forum stands are sent live worked at an exhibition. For broadcasting the technology of a video surveillance system "KODOS - video network" is used.
- The new section of Sec.Ru is devoted to security market events. In the run-up to the Forum "Security technologies" in network there was a new resource devoted to industry events: to exhibitions, business meetings and other security to actions.
- Requests for Sec.Ru - the help to the market by market forces. The Requests for Sec.Ru service is intended for the publication of the requests addressed to specialists in the field of security and communication, and obtaining information on the made request.
2003: Start of
- The first video reporting The video reporting from the Protection and Security of 2003 exhibition became premises for creation of the channel of Internet broadcasting for security market.
- New opportunities of Shop.Sec.r Hypermarket. A number of new opportunities is available to its participants: independent placement of positions, establishment of personal currency rates, more convenient method of updating of price lists list and concealment of the special prices.
- "To each specialist – the ticket for the Forum "Security technologies". The start of a joint action of and directorate of the Forum "Security technologies" - "Was given to each specialist – the ticket for the Forum "Security technologies". The action purpose – to give the chance to specialists free of charge to get on an exhibition and to reduce costs of the precious time for registration.
- Between and directorate of the Forum "Security technologies" the agreement on cooperation is signed. Within the agreement Sec.Ru acted in the status of the Internet sponsor of the Forum, having provided complex support of the IX International Forum "Security technologies" in the Internet
- started Hypermarket - creation of global marketplace for goods of the industry of security.
- The Grotek and Sec.Ru company founds the Public National Award on security "BISON". The ceremony of a solemn award took place on April 27, 2004.
- The new version of the industry search system is started. The advertizing campaign was devoted to introduction of the search system to action. Her main idea was promotion of failure from use of paper directories and transition to search of the information required to the Internet. In operation it looked so: "Tear the directory and receive a bottle of great cognac as a gift".
2004: The ProST exhibition also undressed Free software
- Sec.Ru together with OVK "Bison" acted as the organizer of "ProST 2004". The exhibition of the professional equipment for security of "ProST 2004" took place in Moscow on September 7-10, 2004
- Sec.Ru together with Grotek conducted a research which purpose - determination of popularity of trademarks of the equipment and suppliers of the industry of security (
- Start of new service "Opisaniya" ( - the specialized section of the Sec.Ru portal where technical specifications on products of the industry of security are submitted.
- The system of statistics for users of online store of security aids Shop.Sec.Ru is started. Information on the most popular goods, suppliers and sections of the website became available to users. Four types of statistical data are offered to clients: "Top of 100 goods items", "Top of 20 goods items according to sections", "Popular sections" and "Top of 20 suppliers".
- Opened new service "Internet-bilet". With its help security experts and everyone can quickly be registered on the Internet and print the free ticket for the interesting exhibition. Registration happens directly in the Internet that it is much more convenient, than filling of different questionnaires and questionnaires before an input to the exhibition hall.
- Free software on Sec.Ru ( The resource devoted to software of the market of security systems is open: demoversions, conditional and free and trial versions of the software
- acted as the developer of the virtual exhibition "Security technologies". In the new version of the website of the Forum "Security technologies" (2004) the Virtual exhibition "Security technologies" where during the whole year exhibitors of the Forum had the representation functioned. The exhibition was developed by the Industry portal, contained the complete information about each participant, the description of products and the photo of stands.
- Sec.Ru became the organizer of "Antipafos", a meeting of specialists of the industry without ties. This time the Portal invited specialists of the industry in entertainment center Freestyle where participants had an opportunity to relax and communicate in relaxed atmosphere to colleagues, having combined business with pleasure.
- Uniform registration for Sec.Ru is entered. For the purpose of providing expanded services to users and also for improvement of information contents of sections of the Portal. Since then, daily on Sec.Ru several dozens of new users are registered
- Start of Work and Training service ( Vacancies and the summary in security market. Training courses.
2005: TV.Sec.Ru
- Television of security of TV.Sec.Ru. Transfers of television of security are devoted to the events influencing the industry new and the checked technologies, systems, the equipment, solutions, experience of installation and other important and interesting information.
- Solemn celebration of Day of the security expert was held. The cross-industry holiday integrating all participants of the market, professionals of the industry of security. Sec.Ru acted as the organizer of celebration
- Celebration of winners of the tender "Ms. Bezopasnost of 2005". For the first time the competition "Ms. Bezopasnost" was held at the initiative of Protection of the Expo company at the International Forum "Security technologies" in 2004. This initiative was supported by the Internet portal on security of Sec.Ru and in 2005 tender found new life.
- "Ask Glean". Joint action of the portal and Pyronix company. From April 7 to April 14, 2005 the Pyronix company and the portal, within the program of development of the international exchange of experience in area of security technologies, carried out a joint action "Ask Glean". During the action visitors of the portal asked technical issues about the subject "Sensors for Alarm Systems" to the expert with a world name Mr. Glean Couper from Great Britain.
2006: 25 thousand registered users
- The official ceremony of celebration of Day of the security expert was held. Within the celebration there took place rewarding of finalists of the Beauty contest of "Ms. Bezopasnost of 2006". Besides, at a ceremony of celebration delivery of the Honorary reward Recognition 2006 for outstanding achievements in the field of security took place.
- On Sec.Ru the 25-thousand user was registered
2007: Award of the award "Security Market Recognition" and SIPE directory
- Security Market Recognition — 2007 award. Within the ceremony of celebration of Day of the security expert there took place rewarding of winners of the honourable award "Security Market Recognition".
- Rewarding "Ms. Bezopasnost – 2007". On November 12 within the ceremony of celebration of Day of the security expert there took place rewarding of winners of the tender "Ms. Bezopasnost — 2007".
- The main industry event of year — a ceremony of celebration of Day of the security expert took place. For several years of the existence Day of the security expert became the place of informal meetings — and who knows how many on the truth of fatal solutions it was accepted not in close studies, and behind a glass of good wine, in a friendly atmosphere …
- The editor of Sec.Ru - the student of tender on the best publication about the Forum "Security technologies". The publishing editor of the Internet portal Sec.Ru Nikolay Vasilyevich Tereb became the student of tender on the best publication about the XII International Forum "Security technologies". Rewarding of winners took place on April 25 within the press conference "The Russian business in elite of the world industry of security" in Rosbalt news agency.
- Beach volleyball tournament among women's teams from Sec.Ru. The tournament took place from February 6 to February 9 in Crocus Expo exhibition complex — within the largest international forum "Security Technologies — 2008".
- Sec.Ru & Rosbalt news agency: interactive studio of television of security. All days of work of the Forum the interactive studio of television of security worked. Journalists of Rosbalt news agency interviewed exclusive guests of honor of the Forum. In 4 days 19 people became guests of interactive studio. Interviews were broadcast in real time and are available to viewing in archive of video reportings on
- Sec.Ru published the first release of the SIPE directory. Circulation of the directory extended within the Forum "Security technologies".
- Exclusive interviews at the Forum "Security technologies". The Interactive Studio project at the Forum "Security technologies" was implemented for the third time. His organizers - directorate of the Forum, Rosbalt Information Agency and the industry portal.
- The Meeting of specialists in design of security systems took place. A meeting — a non-commercial action, the meeting of professionals organized by Sec.Ru within the largest exhibition on security of Security technology.
- "Slava Bezopasnosti - 2008": another informal action within the official Forum from Sec.Ru. The tournament took place from February 5 to February 7 in Crocus Expo exhibition complex — within the largest international forum "Security Technologies — 2008". The sporting event, despite the unofficial character, became one of the brightest events of all forum.
- SIPE-2008. The second release of the popular SIPE directory devoted to projects and solutions for various sectors of the economy and also the equipment participating in solutions.
2010: Updating of the section Directory
- Undressed Directory significantly it was updated. For complete certainty of the provided information moderation and selection are entered. Thanks to it only the profile companies and the organizations are presented in the section.
- The design of the section of Publication exchanged. Updating is undertaken not only in esthetic, but also in the functional purposes. It became much simpler and more convenient to use the section and be guided in the placed materials.
- The Sec.Ru portal – the partner more than 50 industry shows as in the territory of Russia, and abroad.
2011: Start of webinars, 80 thousand registered
- The updated section of Shop.Sec.Ru – the first and only hypermarket of security systems in Runet opened. Now is not just online store, but the unique virtual platform, the meeting place of producers, suppliers and buyers from different regions of Russia.
- The Vebinary service which does not have analogs is started. It allows to organize and hold a full-fledged event – a seminar, the presentation, a round table – by means of normal the browser and Internet connection.
- By edition Sec.Ru editorial boards – meetings with industry members of security begin to be carried out. The purpose of actions – drawing up the relevant plan of publications
- At the Portal exhibition MIPS 2011 organized an unusual event: "To the most well-aimed cognac". At the stand the basketball ring was set and everyone could try the hand in hit in the purpose.
- On Sec.Ru the 80-thousand user is registered.
2012: Start of community My.Sec.Ru
- The community of security experts of My.Sec.Ru is open. Among advantages of community there are not only closer and fruitful communication, but also an opportunity to solve the whole complex of important, relevant problems, such as employment, search of partners, promoting of the brand/company.
- The annual audience of Sec.Ru grew to 250,000 unique visitors. Among them not only industry specialists and professionals, representatives of leading companies and leading persons there are industries, but also the "normal" users, people who are interested in systems and security issues.
- The portal the industry holiday "Markodel 2012" is thought up and organized. Informal meeting of adherents with cheerful tenders, shish kebabs and a tournament on a paintball in the Chkalov PC.
See Also