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The administration of Novosibirsk completed an EDMS implementation project

Customers: Administration of Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk; Government and social institutions

Contractors: Ofis-Dok, LLC
Product: EOS for SharePoint 2010 (EOS Group)
На базе: Microsoft SharePoint

Project date: 2011/03  - 2016/03
Number of licenses: 2190


On June 23, 2016 details about an implementation project of EOS for SharePoint in city administration of Novosibirsk[1] became known[1].

Project Tasks

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Olesya Filatova, the head of department of informatization of city administration of Novosibirsk|Historically in the mayor's office for work with documents were used eight systems created on different platforms and working independently. We separately registered citizens' appeals on FZ-59, separately – regulatory legal acts, besides, a system for work with orders of the mayor, the solution for planning and so on functioned. It was awfully inconvenient. Time when we understood that the new uniform tool is necessary for us for the organization of document flow came. At the same time we wanted that work with documents in a system not only organization departments, but also the management, and final specialists who are given different order.} could }

Administration of Novosibirsk, (2013)

The project on workflow automation began in 2010, and the SharePoint platform was used in the mayor's office since 2007. SharePoint served as the platform to the internal portal of the mayor's office which contains different sections for joint work of structures of the mayor's office and municipal authorities, Council of deputies of the city of Novosibirsk, city services. Later on the portal small industry information systems for internal work began to appear.

On the SharePoint platform in 2011 the external Internet resource of the mayor's office – the Municipal portal of the city of Novosibirsk was created. In 2012 on SharePoint organized the Public Reception system.

Project Progress

We started the project in 2010 – then the Ofis-Dok company implemented a pilot project within which installation and implementation of 50 jobs was carried out and accounting of documents is automated. In 2011 500 more licenses were purchased that allowed us to scale a system on all divisions of the mayor's office. After that annually the number of licenses increased. Now almost all employees of the mayor's office who work with documents and instructions and also specialists of municipal authorities and enterprises – about 2200 jobs are connected to EDMS.

In implementation process of each stage of the project the customer consistently refused one of eight used systems. It was required to minimize labor costs. For June 23, 2016 in administration of Novosibirsk managed to get rid of all eight outdated solutions.

Project objective, according to the IT head - creation of the single system covering all tasks of office-work at a large number of specific requirements. The solution was considerably processed to conditions and requirements of the customer. During implementation integration with other systems is carried out, a large number of reports is developed.

The most difficult appeared to break psychology of people: so far a system "empty", it is very difficult to convince users that it gives huge opportunities of analytics and control. However, when documents began to collect, and it turned out that is possible, without rising from a workplace, to obtain the complete information about the document and instructions which on it are given, to construct reports and to check performance of resolutions – here then the turning point came.

Change of the version of EDMS

Transition to the SharePoint 2013 platform was carried out to New Year's vacation of 2015-2016.

As large volumes of crucial data were stored in the system of the customer by this time, transition became difficult and laborious process.

Project Results

this year we celebrate the first anniversary – 5 years to implementation of uniform EDMS in city administration of Novosibirsk. For today all necessary functionality, information more is implemented than on 430 thousand documents it is kept in a system. By efforts, joint about "Office Dock", we managed to implement a full stroke of life of the document – from creation of the project before write-off in archive. We did a lot of work and on integration of EDMS with other information systems – for example, with a large geographic information system of department of construction and architecture of the mayor's office and also with the system of city archive "Arkhivnoye Delo".

Of course, paper document flow was reduced. So far we are forced to save the paper original document as we do not implement the legally significant EDS, but we got rid of a large number of copies. Earlier, for example, if complex assignment was given to several departments, it was necessary to provide everyone the paper copy – now rather electronic version. I do not speak any more about mailing of regulatory legal acts which can have several hundred pages – here economy very essential.