Customers: Dixy Contractors: ECMGroup.Pro, Synthellect Product: Syntellect TessaSecond product: Synthellect Tessa Mobile Negotiation Project date: 2016/01 - 2021/12
Number of licenses: 5000
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2021: Tessa License Pack Update
- Update Tessa License Pack,
- Workflow Engine Licenses,
- Consulting Services (Consulting),
- support of implemented products,
- provision of services and advice on support for translation to the new version on the tessa platform
- Development services: EDMS improvement of EDMS and integration processes of the company
2020: Support, modification and revision of Synthellect Tessa
From January to December 2020, Synthellect updated the TESSA license package. Supported technical solutions, modified and refined the electronic document management system based on the TESSA platform.
2019: Support, modification and refinement of Synthellect Tessa
From September to December 2019, Synthellect supported technical solutions, modified and finalized the EDMS based on the TESSA platform. Number of licenses - 5000 pcs.
2018: System refinement on TESSA platform
From January to December 2018, Synthellect, together with the ECM Pro Group, finalized technical solutions for the Dixie chain of stores:
- development and refinement of IE on the TESSA platform
- uploading sighting routes, processing report,
- assignment of task executors for approval,
- Subarenda IS
- Development of the ESDO electronic archive.
The number of licenses is 5000.
Mobile Negotiation Module
Development of an electronic archive of legally significant documents (EA YUZDO): integration with five providers of the YUZDO service, the system processes and stores several hundred thousand documents in electronic storage every month. The processes of processing incoming financial documents (electronic invoices, including corrective and corrected ones) in EDMS and their transfer to DIXY accounting systems for further processing are automated; processing of clarification notifications and requests for cancellation of documents is set up, which implies both an automatic response to the counterparty based on the results of processing the document in the accounting system, and the possibility of making a decision in non-typical situations by the responsible employee; the transfer of outgoing financial documents (formalized and non-formalized) from accounting systems to the EDMS was implemented, providing for batch sending to the EDMS of a set of necessary documents for the operation carried out in the financial system.
Implementation of the IS "Tenders" solution.
Examples of System Interfaces
Project Background
The group of companies DIXY"" is a retail chain with more than 2,500 stores throughout. Russia The project for organizing legally significant electronic document management () SZDO with suppliers of goods was due to the interest of the company management in the exchange of invoices in electronic form. This was a logical stage in improving the efficiency of the main business and reducing costs. business processes
At the time of the start of the SZDO project in 2016, in terms of the implementation of incoming invoices, the electronic document management system was already functioning at DIXY. In particular, the company worked in exchange with counterparties of some types of outgoing documents. However, there were comments on the operation of individual modules of the information system in terms of performance and speed of operation.
Since the new project involved a multiple increase in the volume of documents processed, this entailed the need to find a modern and high-tech platform that had examples of real implementations on large loads in large companies. The choice was made in favor of the TESSA system.
Characteristics and features of the automated solution
As part of the project, we exchanged incoming invoices with suppliers, as well as various types of outgoing documents, both formalized and non-formalized.
The exchange of electronic documents is carried out through several large EDO operators, including Diadoc, Sphere, Exite and others. The developed architectural solution, if necessary, allows you to expand the list of EDM operators.
The following processes and functionality are automated in the project:
- receipt and processing of incoming invoices, including correction and correction invoices;
- generation and sending of clarification notification, requests for cancellation of incoming invoices;
- receiving from the supplier and processing the request to cancel the incoming PDA;
- organization of archival storage of electronic documents;
- Tracking the status of electronic document processing
- uploading electronic invoices for transfer to the Federal Tax Service;
- generation of outgoing documents;
- Signing and batch sending of outgoing documents
- processing of the result of signing (not signing) documents by the supplier;
- statistical reports.
Figure 1 shows the general process for creating and processing incoming invoices.
Fig. 1 Process of creation and processing of incoming invoices (click to increase)
The following types of outgoing documents have been translated into the SZDO format:
- APD in the format of RSPF;
- Certificate of works performed/services rendered;
- Account;
- Notice;
- Goods Report;
- Reconciliation Act;
- Netting Application
- and other informal documents.
Currently, the internal IT team "DIXY" independently connects new types of outgoing documents on the basis of the created solution of the South Kazakhstan region.
The general architecture of the SZDO solution in DIXY is shown in Figure 2.
Fig. 2 General architecture of SZDO solution in "DIXY" (click to increase)
TerraLink's xDE system is used in terms of general architecture as a tool for interacting with EMO operators.
EDOC is an integration module (IM), in which the entire business model for processing SZDO documents is placed. Developed by ECMGroup.Pro on the basis of the previously existing DIXY module. The main task of EDOC is continuous control of incoming and outgoing data flows, queuing for processing events by documents, routing data between information systems, multithreaded processing of documents. IM EDOC is tightly integrated with systems such as xDE from TerraLink, TESSA, Axapta, SAP.
TESSA EDMS is used as a repository for electronic documents and the entire history of actions on the document. Each document in the EDMS creates its own card, which stores metadata on the document, an xml-file of the document and an electronic signature, technical receipts, and other additional information.
TESSA EDMS tracks the status of document processing, which allows you to understand at any time at what stage of processing each document is located.
Work with the document archive can be carried out directly through TESSA EDMS. In addition, for the convenience of employees, it is possible to view electronic printing plates directly from the documents of the Axapta accounting system, while the user does not need to enter the EDMS.
The planned monthly increase in documents in the EDMS is 1 million documents per month (with a forecast of growth to 1.5 million documents), and the number of files is more than 13 million (or about 1,500 files per hour). At the same time, the solution architecture takes into account that the actual daily number on individual days can significantly exceed the planned average value.
To ensure continuous processing of a large flow of incoming and outgoing documents, the electronic archive is organized in 24 * 7 mode.
According to the results of a series of load tests, the average time for saving one file to the TESSA archive storage was 0.002 seconds, which with a margin allows you to reach the maximum power planned in DIXY.
Special attention was paid in the project to checking the entire integration solution for fault tolerance. A logging system has been developed to identify which data processing site failed.
Work on the project was carried out with the joint participation of the ECMGroup.Pro and SYNTELLECT teams.
To ensure compliance with the requirements of the Order of the Federal Tax Service of 24.03.16 No. MMB-7-15/155 @ ECMGroup.Pro and the DIXY IT team, the exchange of universal transfer documents (UPD) was automated. Thus, from July 1, 2017, the company was able to make a "seamless" transition from the old invoice format to the new UPD format.
Key Business Effects of Automation
- Reduced time for invoices to be reflected in the financial system
- Reduced number of personnel involved in processing incoming invoices
- reduced time to prepare and send outgoing financial documents;
- an electronic archive of primary financial documents has been organized;
- reduced time for processing comments on documents;
- The total cost of the incoming invoice processing process has been reduced for the company.
Development plans
The customer plans to continue automation in terms of the processes for processing Contracts and Additional Agreements with suppliers in electronic form, as well as to continue connecting new suppliers to the South Kazakhstan region.