The state order on equipment of the available equipment a single system of monitoring of transport was placed by the center in January, 2014. Compliance of a system to requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 285 regarding requirements to an aircraft equipment for monitoring of the vehicles of category M and N used for passenger traffic and transportation of dangerous loads was one of the main requirements.
Also requirements for providing dispatching personnel with reliable information about location and a status of transport with frequency of 2 minutes using the GLONASS/GPS system, a possibility of control of fuel consumption, information display about the turning on facts of "the disturbing button" and connection of the driver with the manager by means of a voice communication, database maintenance of vehicles for control of their functioning and also the analysis and static processing of the saved-up data were imposed to the installed equipment.
Choosing a Solution
During tender by the partner of Omnicomm - kompaniyeyooo Torgmontazh-plus was carried out test equipment of the car UAZ the Patriot, for two months of the center transferring to dispatching information on movements of the vehicle and fuel consumption. Based on testing by the leaders of the rescue and fire fighting center the contract for equipment of all equipment was signed with Omnicomm transport monitoring system.
Project Progress
Project implementation took about 5 months during which the monitoring system of Omnicomm was installed on 85 vehicles of rescue center dispersed across all territory of the Magadan region.
By a preliminary estimate of the leaders of the rescue and fire fighting center of the Magadan region during operation of a system the enterprise managed to reduce costs for fuel and lubricants for 20%.
"Thanks to the implemented satellite control system of Omnicomm transport we managed to systematize work of all divisions of rescue center, "having tied" them in a single system of monitoring. It allows to react quickly to emergencies and, as a result, to improve efficiency of our work. Besides there is a wish to note also economic effect of the implemented system. In 7 months of operation of a system we managed to cut down considerably expenses on fuel – economy made 20% of all volume of the consumed fuel", - the chief of the rescue and fire fighting center of the Magadan region Evgeny Krivoberets noted.