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Bacula Backup and recovery

Developers: Bacula Systems
Date of the premiere of the system: 2000/03/12
Last Release Date: 2014/10/09
Technology: Cybersecurity - Backup and data storage

Bacula is the cross-platform client-server software for management of backup, recovery and data validation on network.

A system is issued in two versions (commercial - Bacula System Enterprise and free - Bacula Project) and is delivered in the form of source texts according to license AGPLv3 that allows to adapt it for any system using compiler C ++. In Bacula client parts for the organization of remote backup in an environment of systems Linux (including zSeries), NetBSD FreeBSD OpenBSD Solaris HP-UX, by Tru64, IRIX Microsoft Windows Mac OS X , etc. are supported.

Bacula Enterprise Edition supports more than 35 operating systems, including the most rare, and has a set of plug-ins for comfortable copying and operational recovery of backup copies (support of SAP, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, VMware, Hyper V, KVM and many others).

Bacula provides record of backup copies on different types of carriers, including tapes, tape libraries and disks. In a system there are opportunities for management of data warehouses what facilitates search and recovery of the lost or damaged files.

The modular structure of Bacula allows scaling and use in the small and large systems from hundreds of computers, in networks of different scale.


  • Director (DIR) — exercises the centralized control and administration of all complex of tasks. Planning and job control on backup (Job). Service of the Directory (Catalog) — the central DB for storage of metadata.
  • File Daemon (FD) is the service executing direct copying, recovery and data validation at the request of Director. File Daemon should be set on each client computer. File Daemon communicates with Director and Storage Daemon.
  • Storage Daemon (SD) — reads and writes data on the physical medium: disk, tape, DVD, USB.
  • Console is the managing console of the operator or administrator. ACL for different users of the console are supported. Types of consoles: TTY, wxWidgets (GUI) for Linux, Unix, Win32, GNOME (GUI), several web interfaces, Qt4.
  • Catalog database is a SQL database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite for storage of metadata.
  • Tray Monitor is GNOME/KDE/Win32 GUI applet for demonstration of activity of Director, File daemons, Storage daemon in real time.

The specified components can be, both on one computer, and on several, united in network.

2014: System interface of BaculaWebacula 7.0.0

Webacula is the web application using a linking of LAMP LinuxApacheMySQLPHP (+++), implemented through Zend Framework.

Homepage of the Webacula interface

Within the Bacula project developers announced the new version of the Webacula 7.0.0 web interface for Open Source-backup system of the enterprise level Bacula.

Webacula (Web+Bacula) — one of the first web interfaces to the Bacula system is also positioned by developers as the most functional. Development of Webacula follows the Bacula project which last update to version 7.0.5 took place in the summer of this year.

In new release support of versions of Bacula 7.x is provided, hashing of passwords of users of Webacula by means of phpass (Portable PHP password hashing framework), incompatible with a former method is implemented (by means of MD5 algorithm).

Webacula helps the administrator to start by means of the web browser a task far off, to recover the files by the identifier of a task from the last client copy given before the specified time, to show the planned and carried out tasks (all or in a daily interval), tasks with errors (in seven days), to execute creation and an output of the time diagram of tasks and a status of storages, to mount and dismantle storages, to control detailed information on a status of volumes, pools, storages and clients.

In the separate Webacula database there is a magazine with which the administrator works — writes and adjusts information necessary for it (describes tasks, failures and their reasons, etc.). Such records may contain hyperlinks to tasks — for fast transition.

The Webacula interface is available in six languages, including Russian. Source texts of Webacula extend on the terms of license GPLv3. New versions of Webacula 7.x will be incompatible with previous, developers noted.


Bacula on Wikipedia