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Prognoz Platform Mobile

The name of the base system (platform): Prognoz Platform
Developers: Forecast
Last Release Date: October, 2014
Technology: BI

Prognoz Platform Mobile 8.0

The Prognoz company announced in October, 2014 release of Prognoz Platform Mobile 8.0. This application for iPad is created especially for visual data analysis and will allow users of operating Apple iOS system 8 to get access to all main analytical tools of the platform.

In mobile version of the platform the tool of the operational analysis using OLAP gives to the user switching opportunities between different types of interactive data visualization, change of an execution of the analytical report, creation and calculation of own indicators. Analysis results can share with colleagues, having sent them by mail the report entirely and/or the screenshot with own marks and comments directly from the mobile device. Also users can work with the procedural parametrized reports and analytical panels. From different sources tables, sparklayna, 2D and 3D maps, charts are available to convenient and evident information representation. Additional types of visualization are added: the bubble chart, a bubble tree and a flat tree, are implemented new opportunities for cartographic information representation.