Installation of electron-optical current transformers with a flexible loop on Bratsk Aluminum Plant is complete
Customers: Bratsk Aluminum Plant (BrAZ) Bratsk; Metallurgical industry Contractors: Profotec Project date: 2014/09
The Profotec company completed installation of electron-optical current transformers with a flexible loop on the world's largest aluminum plant in Bratsk. The equipment will be used for measurement of force of a direct current on the busline of the body of electrolysis. Besides, implementation of technologies Profotec will allow to adjust operation of the automated process control system of the enterprise since the equipment of the company is capable to route results of measurements live in the database of a system.
Electron-optical current transformers Profotec have high stability and accuracy of measurements in the conditions of strong electromagnetic fields, the increased dust content and a pulsation of current up to 15% with a frequency of 600 Hz. The power supply diagram of transformers is steady against failures of tension and short circuits. Construction of electron-optical transformers with a flexible loop allows to make installation and dismantling of measuring element without gap and de-energization of the busline, at the same time balancing and commissioning can be carried out without calibration of the equipment.
Electron-optical transformers with a flexible loop have high stability of work throughout a progressive tense and are entered in the State register of measuring instruments.
Parameters of the installed equipment:
- The measured range, kA 0 - 240
- Operating temperature range of measuring module-30 - +40 C
- Operating temperature range of a detector-40 - +40 C
- Parameters of a power supply 220B, 50 Hz
- Quantity of the exits proportional to the measured current 3
Measurements of a direct current for electrolysis of aluminum play an important role, t. to the cost of the spent electric power on production in final product cost reaches 40%.