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"MFC of the Rostov region" upgrades technologies of service of the population

Customers: MFC of the Rostov region

Rostov-on-Don; Government and social institutions

Contractors: KOMEKS

Project date: 2014/03  - 2014/09

On December 8, 2014 it became known of implementation in MFC of the Rostov region of the information system "IIS MFC 3.0". Integrator in the project KOMEKS company.

Project Results

The new version of information system 3.0 is set in all to MFC of the Rostov region.

- The main objective of the project – to improve interaction of citizens and authorities in the course of receiving the public and municipal services. In other words - to make so that our citizens received the maximum number of necessary services in more comfortable conditions and with the smallest costs of time and forces, - Boris Nosko, the head of department of innovations in authorities of the government of the Rostov region told. - Thanks to a new system, we improve also opportunities for work of our operators with data, we reduce time which is spent for providing service, and we release time directly for work with the applicant. The main feature of a new information system is a rendering services in a life situation of the specific applicant. The applicant, coming to MFC, often wants to resolve several issues at once. And if earlier it had to take several talonchik, approach several specialists, then now this problem is solved. Essentially new mechanism which allows one operator MFC at the same time is created, having polled the citizen, to provide it the whole set of services which are required in its specific life situation. It significantly reduces the applicant's time for receiving services.

During the project a system is updated information and the repository of services, storage where all services of MFC of the Rostov region are and supported is created. At changes in the legislation, or an order of provision of services, everything is reflected in a repository - the staff of MFC always sees the updated requirements.