Moses Eugeny Ivanovich are the dean of faculty VMK MSU the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor.
Evgeny Moiseyev was born on March 7, 1948 in the city of Odintsovo of the Moscow region.
In 1971 graduated from physical faculty MSU.
In 1974 completed a postgraduate study of faculty of calculus mathematics and cybernetics of MSU. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics (1974).
In 1981 defended the doctoral dissertation (Tokto of physical and mathematical sciences).
Since 1997 corresponding member of RAS (department of information science, ADP equipment and automation).
Since 2003 — the academician of RAS (department of mathematical sciences).
For January 26, 2015 Evgeny Ivanovich Moiseyev works as the dean of faculty VMK MSU.