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The project of backup and complex control of virtual environment of Kurchatov Institute based on Veeam

Customers: Kurchatov Institute National Research Centre (Institute of atomic energy of Kurchatov)

Contractors: Softline
Product: Veeam Management Pack
На базе: VMware System Center

Project date: 2015/01

Since the beginning of 2015 IT infrastructure of the National research center "Kurchatov Institute" had an opportunity of acceleration of data backup four times as a result of successful implementation of the complete solution Veeam Management Suite by specialists of Softline, the supplier of IT solutions and services.

Thanks to integration of Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam ONE the updated backup system of Kurchatov Institute has the improved target indicators of data recovery (RTPO) now – less than 15 minutes and also opportunities of monitoring and documentation of data on a status of backup operations, availability and level of use of resources.

"The solution proposed by us allows to reduce as much as possible risk of loss of crucial data and to quickly recover a system without attraction of additional IT resources and load of a working environment", – Savchenko Vitaly, the Head of group of the Veeam Software system engineers, Russia and CIS emphasizes.

Research Center Kurchatov Institute is one of the leading scientific centers of the world integrating several research institutes and the scientific and technology complexes forming an important part of a nuclear and physical complex of Russia. The most reliable services and solutions in storage areas, protection and data management which should provide the high speed of recovery, data loss prevention, risk minimization and complex control of IT infrastructure are necessary for virtual environment of such strategically important state object. Consultations with experts of the Softline company having the highest partner status – Veeam Gold Partner, and results of contrastive analysis of different backup systems showed that the solutions Veeam allow to exercise backup and control of programs of all IT infrastructure of organization numbering more than 5 thousand PCs and mobile devices in the short time.

"In addition to reliability and extensive functionality, the solutions Veeam are effective and economic thanks to what they correspond to the criteria shown by the state to work with strategically important objects. The selected solution completely corresponds to the customer's tasks in the field of backup, and we will be glad to support further virtual environment of Kurchatov Institute", – the head of support department of sales of solutions of virtualization and backup of Softline company notes Down of Maxims.
"By rough estimates, with Veeam Backup & Replication the speed of backup increased four times. Besides, also data recovery speed increased — earlier recovery took several hours, now — about 15-20 minutes — Klochkov Igor Aleksandrovich, the deputy chief engineer for operation of information and technology infrastructure of Research Center Kurchatov Institute tells. – For us it is also important to be aware constantly that happens to virtual machines. The new opportunities of monitoring offered by the implemented solutions allow to carry out the assessment of readiness of systems for backup in advance, to control their loading and also to trace a status of all hosts and know precisely what happens to them at any moment".
"IT infrastructure of our institute is an extensive network of machines which consists of several thousand PCs and mobile devices which are in continuous interaction – Klochkov Igor Aleksandrovich continues. – We work with enormous data arrays and we conduct the most difficult researches therefore it was extremely important to reduce as much as possible risk of their loss, the made calculations and the received results are long hours of laborious work of experts which are crucial for saving. Thanks to efforts of Softline and the advanced developments of Veeam we managed to solve this complex problem".