Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Goldov Dmitry
Goldov Dmitry
  • Education: Economics department of the Mogilev Machine-building Institute-2000,
  • Bachelor degree on management of OU LINK-2011
  • Professional activity: More than 11 years works at the market of the Russian e-commerce, the last 7 years – at executive positions in average and large online stores:,,,,,,,,

Since 2010 was responsible for marketing of X5 Retail Group online projects, including the project as Chief marketing officer, having achieved indicators of more than 10,000 orders in day in the absolute.

After creation of career in large corporations, decided to direct the activity to essentially new level and to make use of the got experience in a technology startup of GetIntent to look at business on the other hand and to get for itself new experience of the management and mentoring. Is a holder of a minority share of GetIntent company.

At the beginning of 2015 shareholders and company management made the decision on Dmitry Goldov's appointment to a post of the CEO of the Russian office GetIntent. Georgy Levin who was earlier holding this position will be focused further on development of the company in international market of e-commerce and will head office GetIntent in the USA.

The complex task of development of the company in Russia, the including optimization of work of sales department, development and deployment of programs of customer interaction and also establishing the business processes directed to growth and strengthening of an inner pattern of GetIntent is set for Dmitry.

The practicing business consultant and the lecturer: the teacher in MVA "Mirbis", is a mentor in a startup-kampe. The speaker at more than 30 professional conferences, such, as: RIF+KIB-2014, RIW-2014, Oborot-2014, MarkeingONE-2014 and great number of others.