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Enfort organized the local computer network for the Blagoveshchensk combined heat and power plant

Customers: Blagoveshchensk combined heat and power plant

Blagoveshchensk; Power

Product: Services of telephony and communication

Project date: 2015/03  - 2015/09
Number of licenses: 90

February 11, 2015. The Enforta company organized the local computer network for the new building of the second queue of the Blagoveshchensk combined heat and power plant. Entrusted specialists of the company responsible work with which they successfully coped: from scratch built network in the building on 90 jobs.

In August, 2014 employees of "Sibiryenergoinzhiniring" began to use the Internet from Enforta. With service quality and technical support were satisfied. In December of the same year the construction of the new two-storeyed office building for "Sibiryenergoinzhiniring" on 90 jobs was completed. As the contract organization providing installation of the local computer network in the new building selected the checked reliable telecom operator – Enforta company. The service of system integration of Enfort@atelye is implemented. The project is complete in December, 2014.

Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.