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Баннер в шапке 2

Post Bank automated preparation and release of the regulatory reporting

Customers: Post Bank (before Leto Bank)

Contractors: R-Style Softlab
Product: RS-DataHouse

Project date: 2015/03  - 2016/05
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In the fall of 2016 it became known that Post Bank completed process of automation of preparation and release of the reporting for the Central Bank. In connection with significant growth in number of the transactions, accountable, the bank replaced the system of own development with the industrial solution of R-Style Softlab company.

Project implementation continued for two years. It included creation of the data warehouse, implementation of report forms and sverochny reports based on an information and analytical system of RS-DataHouse and the analytical business application "RS-DataHouse: Reporting of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation". Automation of providing the reporting will allow bank to minimize regulatory and operational risks, to lower load of the accounting systems and to optimize time of employees spent for reporting of the Central Bank.

Process of automation covered a broad set of reports of the Central Bank and was separated into 14 stages, during each of which was implemented from 1 to 8 report forms. At once after acceptance of a form the vendor took it on maintenance for operational introduction of updates within change of the legislation. Such approach allowed not only to reduce the risks connected with emergence of new requirements of the regulator but also to optimum plan work of business divisions and IT specialists of Post Bank.

In bank preparation of 34 most labor-consuming and irregular shapes of the reporting of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and also 16 test reports intended for permanent monitoring of quality of information in bank vault of data is automated. In two years that the project lasted, volume used in an information warehouse grew by 70%, in the long term the next years he will grow up still at least by 2-3 times.

The final stage when form 0409135 was implemented became the most difficult. In it daily calculation of standards of bank is performed, and on labor input of creation it is comparable with preparation of a half of all reporting of the Central Bank. Among other most important forms implemented for bank — 0409118 "Data on concentration of credit risk", 0409808 "The report on capital adequacy level for a covering of risks, the value of reserves on possible losses on loans and other assets (the published form)" and other.


The R-Style Softlab company automates process of preparation of the procedural reporting according to requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in Summer of Bank (VTB Group) based on the solution "RS-DataHouse: Reporting of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation". Delivery and implementation of the Russian software is carried out based on an open tender.

The IT company completed the works allowing credit institution to use 13 of the most relevant for it report forms. Among them: "Data on the customer accounts and payments registered through credit institution", "FOR" and many others.

Prior to cooperation with R-Style Softlab bank performed reporting of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation using own development. The choice of the industrial solution was connected with the growing requirements of bank to quality of training, reconciliation and release of the reporting and also need for reduction of operational risks and optimization of time expenditure of employees for work with IT systems.

"The bank is completely satisfied with both the level of the selected software, and professional training of a project team of the developer and integrator — Chikov Sergey, the head of service of information technologies said Summer of Bank. — The software of R-Style Softlab provides timely support of the legislation, excludes risks of emergence of shortcomings of the reporting, reduces time for its formation".
"Similar complex projects require implementation of difficult preparatory work. In particular, we carried out together with bank unloading of data from systems sources, their loading to storage, setup of incremental unloading and data loading, quality check of information — Kvetkina Yulia, the director of the department of analytical banking systems of R-Style Softlab told. — This part, as well as the subsequent implementation of report forms, passed very quickly thanks to dynamic style of work of bank and its high interest in project completion".

According to R-Style Softlab, "RS-DataHouse: The reporting of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" represents the distributive business application which is completely conforming to requirements of the regulator. The solution includes more than 50 report forms. Its main characteristic is the flexibility in management: in a system an opportunity to configure interpretations of indicators of report forms and to adjust them on the basis of motivated judgment is implemented.