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Rosstandart began fight against "zoo" of old IT systems

Customers: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation of Metrology (Rosstandart)

Project date: 2014/03
Project's budget: 1 000 000 000 руб.


Creation of the federal state information system (FSIS)of Rosstandart is the central element of the concept of the informatization of department accepted in 2014. According to this document, a system should be started in 2018, and for works on its creation, development and operation to the specified term about 1 billion rubles will be required.

At the time of development of the concept representatives of Rosstandart said that the current level of informatization and IT infrastructure of department do not allow to solve the tasks set for it fully: process automation in the organization has scrappy character, in Rosstandart about 30 poorly integrated information systems created nearly 10 years ago function.

The FSIS of Rosstandart should provide complex automation of all powers of department. In the concept of informatization it is predicted that in 2018 in a system in total there will be about 195 thousand registered users.

Architecture of a FSIS

Architecture of a FSIS

According to the concept of informatization of Rosstandart, a FSIS should consist of the following technology subsystems:

Project Progress

Stages of creation of a FSIS (A source - the concept of informatization of Rosstandart

In March, 2015 Rosstandart announced[1] on creation of the first stage of a FSIS. The starting price of the contract is 133.47 million rubles, and completion dates of works are designated December, 2015.

The list of works includes the analysis of foreign and international experience, development on the basis of its analysis of offers on optimization of an object of informatization, development private terms of reference and the detailed project and also directly development of the first stage of a system.

The first stage should include functional unit "Technical regulation and standardization" which such components as the unified information system on technical regulation enter; module of development, editing and conducting examination of documents; module of monitoring and control of development of documents and module of technical committees on standardization.

Also the technology storage device subsystem, a subsystem of maintaining the normative reference information, a subsystem of information exchange, a subsystem of the reporting and a technology subsystem of administration is a part of the first stage.

The concept of informatization for 2015-2018.

At the end of July, 2014 Rosstandart announced that it developed the concept of informatization of department. The document was approved in the same month at a meeting of board of Rosstandart. After that it should undergo consideration in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, and then - in a government subcommittee on technical regulation, application of sanitary, veterinary and sanitary and phytosanitary measures and also the government commission on use of IT.

From is later than the published materials for a meeting of board of Alexey Abramov heading Rosstandart since July 9, 2014 follows that the concept is expected 2015-2018, and the amount of funds, necessary for its implementation, is estimated at 1.42 billion rubles. The central element of informatization during the specified period is creation in department of the federal state information system (FSIS) for which it is going to spend 858.2 million rubles from total amount.

In materials of the head of Rosstandart it is noted that at the time of development of the IT concept process automation in department has scrappy character. In Rosstandart about 30 poorly integrated information systems created nearly 10 years ago function. Systems are executed on different platforms, in them duplication of data and functionality is observed, the existing databases are physically unavailable to central office of department. Besides, there are no open interfaces of interaction with authorities and SIEI.

"The current level of informatization and IT infrastructure of Rosstandart do not allow to solve fully the problems necessary for the achievement of target indicators of the systems of technical regulation, standardization and metrology provided by the Federal Law "About Technical Regulation", "About Ensuring Unity of Measurements", "About the Organization of Providing the Public and Municipal Services", decisions of the government in the field of creation of electronic society", said in an analytical note of Alexey Abramov.

Rosstandart calculates that using a FSIS which creation is going to be completed in 2018 the level of process automation of department and information security will increase. Consumers of information of Rosstandart, in turn, will have an opportunity of the operational information exchange provided with the accurate and clear interface with observance of requirements of information security.

"A system will become the real tool of assessment of demand of standards and will give to the user the chance of effective obtaining information on questions of ensuring unity of measurements and control and supervising activity", - note in Rosstandart.

According to Alexey Abramov, as of 2014 users in information systems of Rosstandart register about 12 thousand users.
