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Video counter of visitors of Statistics 3D

The name of the base system (platform): Video counter of visitors of Statistics Dome
Developers: ElVIS-NeoTech
Branches: Trade,  Tourism, hotel and restaurant business
Technology: Video surveillance systems
"One eye well, but two is better!" ElVIS-NeoTech represents Videoschetchik visitors of Statistics 3D on the basis of z-dimensional computer vision

ElVIS-NeoTech releases Videoschetchik visitors of Statistics the 3D co встроенной 3-dimensional video analytics for high-precision calculation of people on objects with a high density of flows and difficult conditions.

Statistics 3D is the premium class device in a line of video counters of visitors of development and production ElVIS-NeoTech which is characterized by the high accuracy of calculation in difficult conditions at saturated scenes and an interfering situation.

In 2012 the company released the Video system of calculation of visitors of Statistics, in 2014 Videoschetchik Statistics Dome – the device in a video camera form factor with the built-in algorithms of computer vision was developed.

Now Videoschetchik Statistics Dome is the optimal device for calculation of visitors on a ratio price/quality.

Statistics Dome is applied to calculation of visitors of shops, exhibitions, shopping complexes, etc.

The 3D Statistics video counter is created for calculation of people at the high density of flows and in difficult conditions, for example:

  • on transport;
  • at stadiums;
  • at movie theaters;
  • in places of mass accumulation of people, etc.

Unique algorithms of calculation using 3D - technologies allow to consider people in the set direction even at a dense flow. The 3D Statistics video counter thanks to the built-in algorithms of 3-dimensional computer vision builds the stereoimage of an object with characteristic on height that allows to exclude if desired from calculation of children, a carriage, the cart, animals, etc.

Such opportunities of new Statistics 3D allow to obtain the most exact data on potential buyers and human traffic.

Statistics 3D represents a monoblock with two video cameras and the integral unit of data processing.

Principle of work:

  • The device is installed over a controlled zone;
  • in the web interface the virtual line (a straight line or a broken line) is established;
  • the size of objects according to the video image is set;
  • The 3D Statistics video counter is ready to work.

The report on the number of the people considered by each video counter can be created in the web interface. Aggregated data with all the counters installed on an object can be obtained in a cloud service which at the same time can use data from popular in the Statistics Dome market, and new Statistics 3D.

Devices are powered on PoE and do not require additional distributing of a power supply. Video counters of visitors of Statistics 3D have the special API Web interface for their integration into information (cloud) services.

The video counter of visitors of Statistics 3D passed test at CINEMA PARK (Shopping Center Metropolis) movie theater.

The video counter of visitors of Statistics 3D is a new device on the basis of unique technology of computer vision ElVIS-NeoTech which will allow to provide the high accuracy of calculation even at the high density of human flows.