Customers: Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant (NMZHK Group of Companies) Nizhny Novgorod; Consumer goods Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2Project date: 2013/04 - 2013/11
Number of licenses: 200
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The following works were performed:
- Consulting on the choice of software and options for its maintenance
- Selling Selected Products
- Delivery of software products to the customer's office
- Installing Software on Customer Computers
The following functions are automated:
- Workflow
- Document Accounting and Storage
- Accounting of contracts
- Preferential 1S:ITS support has been issued (for the first 3/6 months from the beginning of 1C operation: Enterprises of the PROF version)
- A paid contract has been drawn up 1S:ITS
- The Internet version of ITS and ITS Internet services are used
- Consulting is carried out on methodological issues of working with the 1C program
- Monthly work is carried out to update the platform and typical configurations, diagnose the state of the information base, create archived copies
OJSC Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant is the largest supplier of fat and fat products to the Russian market, one of the leading enterprises in the oil and fat industry in Russia. The company was founded in 1898. The Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant OJSC includes five plants and fourteen auxiliary workshops. The main products produced by our company are margarines, mayonnaise, spreads and sunflower oil. In 2013, to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, the management of the company faced the issue of automation of document flow. To solve this problem, the software product "1C: Document flow 8 KORP" was chosen as meeting the functional requirements of the enterprise. Lad was chosen as the implementation contractor. The main goal of the automation project is to build an effective electronic document management system at the enterprise based on 1C: Document Flow of 8 KORP software product.
The following tasks were assigned to the project team:
- Delivery of Workflow;
- Creation of electronic archive;
- Automatizing workflows;
- Integration with e-mail;
- Application of electronic signature;
- Automatize contract negotiation and accounting processes.
The implementation of the automation project of OAO Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant was carried out in several stages, during which the following works were carried out: 1. preparatory stage:
- Conduct installation meetings, develop an automation project;
- Interviewing employees of the customer company, monitoring their activities during the implementation of document management processes;
- Study of existing internal documents at the enterprise;
- Submission of the report on the pre-design survey and its presentation.
2. Development of SOW and document movement description diagrams:
- Formation of a list of document management objects processed in 1C: Document Flow of 8 KORP system;
- Description of document movement schemes;
- Development of TA for revision of the standard functionality of the 1C: Document Flow 8 KORP system.
3. Setting up a standard solution "1C: Document flow 8 KORP" for the specifics of the enterprise:
- Adjustment, development and refinement of the system to meet the requirements of our company,
- Integrate with our account system and with e-mail (Outlook).
4. Testing of the configured system "1C: Document flow 8 KORP" by key users. 5. user training:
- Development of user instructions;
- Development and approval of the user training program;
- Preparation of test cases and methodological materials for training;
- Training of the personnel of our enterprise in the following units: "Workflow," "Agreement and Accounting of Contracts," "Business Administration";
- Testing of our personnel for development of the 1C: Document Flow 8 KORP system.
6. trial operation of the system. Within the framework of this stage, consulting and methodological support of users was carried out and additional improvements to the system were made.
As a result, after the completion of the project, the company received the following results: 1. Increase the speed of typical operations and dissemination of information in the company; 2. Elimination of bottlenecks in working with documents; 3. Saving the working time of employees of the enterprise; 4. Improving the quality and efficiency of management decisions; 5. Control over documents: the fact of execution of orders and deadlines, coordination and execution, registration in electronic form, receipt of documents and tasks for them, reliable storage of documents in common folders with restricted access; 6. Shortening the terms of approval of draft documents due to their movement in electronic form and the possibility of using a parallel approval route; 7. Maintaining unified reporting and analytical forms made it possible to transfer the document execution control system to another level. The availability of complete information on the location of the document allows at any time to track it at all stages of document flow (receipt, consideration, passage, execution); 8. quickly search for documents by storing them in a single database; 9. Reducing labor costs for performing office functions; 10. reduction of material costs; 11. operation of the enterprise within a single information space; 12. The unified technology of working with documents in all structural divisions: the preparation of documents is unified, uniform requirements for their execution are established.
The system has been put into commercial operation.
The number of automated workplaces is 200. Client-server version of the system operation. 500 people work in the organization, more than 5,000 documents per year. Automation took place in the central office, training of employees of the enterprise was carried out on the ground, the program is supported.