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Beeline will purchase a product of support of roamers of WelcomeSMS/BonVoyage

Customers: Beeline

Bishkek; Telecommunication and communication

Contractors: Eastwind
Product: Eastwind SM Greeting (WelcomeSMS/BonVoyage)

Project date: 2014/12  - 2015/02

On June 18, 2015 it became known of the beginning of delivery of the WelcomeSMS/BonVoyage system of Eastwind company for Beeline Kyrgyzstan operator.

Project Tasks

Beeline defined for itself a task - to make roaming service more clear and transparent for users.

According to requirements of the operator, the WelcomeSMS/BonVoyage system should monitor registration of subscribers outside a home network and appearance of subscribers of other operators (roamers) in Beeline area of coverage. At registration to the subscriber information on network of stay goes – it should help to be guided, connect necessary services, to use available actions, discounts, etc.

City Day, 2013

The system option offered Eastwind corresponded to conditions of the tender and helped to turn a traditional roaming greeting into the full-fledged service interesting to subscribers and profitable to the operator.

A system helps to deliver information, as by means of the SMS, and USSD. The operator can set flexible scenarios of mailing, send the hello message in language of the visitor, include in it dynamically created content (currency rates, weather, services of the operator and partners). If information is interesting to the subscriber, he can continue to use service – interactive systems capabilities allow providing full service to the subscriber in roaming.

According to plans of partners in the project, EastWind WelcomeSMS/BonVoyage will expand possibilities of Beeline on work with roamers, will raise standards of client service and will expand the list of useful roaming services for subscribers.