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Megafon: The analysis of passenger transportations on the basis of "Big Data"

Developers: MegaFon
Branches: Transport
Technology: BI,  Big Data,  Data Mining

In the summer of 2015 MegaFon expanded a line of services on the basis of the analysis of Big Data and provided functionality of monitoring of passenger traffics on means of transport.

Using a new solution transport companies have an opportunity of assessment of volumes and structure of the market of passenger transportations both in the cities, and on long-distance routes on all means of transport, without installation of sensors and an additional metering equipment. Service allows with detailing to several minutes precisely to measure the volume of transportations on all means of transport – from an avia to a car and buses and overflows between them.

The service of the analysis of passenger transportations is based on the platform of the geospatial analysis started by the operator the first of the Big three in 2013. The systems of the operator fix data on load of the base stations changing in dependence about movements of subscribers. The cloud platform developed by a command Megafon analyzes this information on all base stations of the operator and makes passenger traffic "picture". The platform gives the chance within service to profile a flow – to count number of constantly going passengers on the specific type of transport, to segment on the purposes of trips – business/tourism, to select multimodal transportations. The acquired information can be used by transport companies for determination of shares and market sizes on specific routes, volumes of outflow of passengers on other means of transport and carriers, "weak points" in the schedule, optimization of a route grid and redistribution of resources.

The functionality was provided within the 4th international seminar on the subject "The Organization of Work on Sale of Travel Documents in the conditions of Development of New Technologies of Sales" which took place on May 25-26 century St. Petersburg. Organizers of a seminar, Federal Passenger Company RUSSIAN RAILWAY Franciums Hungary Google Yandex MasterCardMegafon JSC " and UIC 25, brought together the transport companies using information technologies for business development on one platform: International Union of the Railroads (IUR), representatives of the Russian railroad (), railroads (SNCF), Mongolia, (MAV) and also the largest technology companies, and others.

Roman Postnikov, the Director of segment marketing and client analytics of OJSC MegaFon, submitted the report "Use of geoanalytics of the mobile operator for the solution of transport and logistic tasks". For demonstration of opportunities of service he told about change of a passenger traffic on May holidays on Moscow-Volgograd-Moscow and Moscow-Sochi-Moscow routes in 2015 in comparison with the same period of 2014. Service allowed to demonstrate what type of transport was preferred by Muscovites, going on the vacation, in each of days and as this indicator changed in comparison with the same period of last year on railway, to an avia and road haulage.
'Roman Postnikov's performance from Megafon showed that for effective development transport companies need to use a chance which technologies of the analysis of Big Data give, - Emchenko Oleg, the head of department of ERP systems of JSC FPC told. - Worldwide the technology companies develop analytical platforms for the purpose of implementation of multimodal transportations and cost optimization. The service of the analysis of long-distance passenger transportations provided by Megafon interested not only our company, but also our colleagues from Finland and Kazakhstan. And we are satisfied that the events held by Federal Passenger Company become the presentation platform of the innovative solutions for the transport industry.'