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2015/08/10 18:28:18

What Linux and Unix use federal authorities of Russia

During the research of federal state information systems the analytical center TAdviser Report found out what open source operating systems select state agencies for control of the server hardware.

Types of Linux and Unix are used respectively in 26% and 10% of the federal state information systems (FSIS) as server OS. Such data were obtained in an analysis result of 321 FSIS, the carried-out TAdviser Report in August, 2015.

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The most popular OS open source is the product of the American company Red Hat. On its base the equipment of 25 FSIS functions. Shares of other OS are given in the table.

The types of Linux used in a FSIS

| Red Hat || 25
| Debian || 15
| CentOS || 15
| Ubuntu || 11
| Mandriva || 7
| SUSE || 5
| Alt Linux || 1
| Oracle Enterprise Linux || 1
FSIS number
Fedora GNU/Linux Operating system

Data: analytical center TAdviser Report, August, 2015

The most popular Unix distribution kit, according to a research, is FreeBSD. Shares of other versions are given in the table.

The types of Unix used in a FSIS

| FreeBSD || 13
| Oracle Solaris || 8
| IBM AIX || 7
| HP-UX || 2
FSIS number

Data: analytical center TAdviser Report, August, 2015

Based on the Russian Linux distribution kits - with MSAF and Alt Linux - servers only of three FSIS work.

The federal agency on legal protection of results of intellectual activity of military, special and dual purpose uses MSAF in a FSIS of accounting of results of Research and Development of military, special and dual purpose, the rights to which belong to the Russian Federation.

In Federal Drug Control Service based on MSAF the Public services software and hardware complex using which FDCS provides state services works and provides interdepartmental information exchange.

Based on Alt Linux the Uniform portal of state services (EPGU, works.

Domestic Zircon (on the basis of Solaris) is applied by Unix in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in an information system on foreign policy questions (ICs VPV MFA of Russia).

Use of the open source software as server OS is a certain advantage in terms of protection against possible sanctions, TAdviser on the condition of anonymity the expert in the open source software says. But risks remain. According to him, for example, buying Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), "you buy exactly support and nothing more - the structure of different distribution kits substantially matches, the code is open. I.e. the dependence is bought".

Support of Red Hat Enterprise Linux in case of sanctions stops, i.e. to buy support behind a cordon - dangerously, he adds. The most active user of RHEL among the Russian federal state agencies, according to TAdviser Report, is Rosreestr.

Nevertheless, the expert considers use of free programs by departments unambiguously positive facts: "They blur monopolists". Besides, in case of need, from the same Red Hat it will be much simpler to migrate on not sanctions Linux, than to perform migration from proprietary OS.

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