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Softline provided protection of IT-infrastructure of the International airport "Kazan"

Customers: Kazan airport

Kazan; Transport

Contractors: Softline
Product: Kaspersky Security

Project date: 2015/04  - 2015/09

October 06, 2015. The Softline company reported[1] about delivery of the product Kaspersky Security for business to the International airport "Kazan" that allowed to provide a comprehensive protection of data of the organization.

The flexible instrument of control of security of network with quick reaction on the possible harmful attacks was necessary for IT-specialists of the airport. The solution also had to provide centralized operation with corporate infrastructure. A choice was made for benefit of the solution Kaspersky Security for business. The Softline company which proved as the reliable partner of the International airport "Kazan" in the field of delivery and implementing solutions for information security support became the partner in the project.

"We recommended to the customer to select the solution of Kaspersky Security for business, performed its delivery and implementation. Tools which are necessary for ensuring IT-security, blocking of the malware and data loss prevention are integrated into a product. In addition, the software product allows to control a status of protection of all devices in network via the single console of management and contains a set of means for creation of statistic reports", – Ildar Hadeev, the manager with large corporate clients of Softline noted.
"The solution Kaspersky Security for business which was offered to us by specialists of Softline not only ensures safety of workstations and servers, but also allows to protect mobile devices. Technologies of Kaspersky Lab help to secure network infrastructure of our airport that positively affects the level of its work in general", – Taras Trinos, the CIO of the International airport "Kazan" commented on implementation results.
