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The information center of the Sakha Republic completed implementation of republican GIS

Customers: Information center at the President of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic

Contractors: Neolant
Product: GIS projects

Project date: 2015/03  - 2015/11


On October 6, 2015 JSC NEOLANT announced tests of the Uniform geographic information system of the Situational center (EGIS STs) by request of State Budgetary Institution Natsionalnoye the "Information Centre at the Head of RS (Ya)" agency and start of a system in operation.

Project Progress

In a work progress specialists of NEOLANT Group tuning and filling of registers of health care facilities, educations, the social sphere, connection of registers to EGIS STS is performed that allows to receive the unrolled semantic data on objects. Connection of the geodata created in divisions of public authorities of the Republic, indicators of social and economic development belongs to the forthcoming works.

Screenshot of the program window, 2015

GIS of territorial planning of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic (2014)

"Functionality of joint representation of analytics, space supplied and the information on objects it is supposed to use for work with the scheme of placement of social and production facilities created in the Republic. It represents the schematic map of placement of the existing and planned social and production facilities in the territory of the municipal Entities of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. On this card information on a current status of objects and also on economic and social situation of municipal entities will be displayed that will allow to develop mid-term plans of development of the territory. Such purpose of the Scheme is enshrined in the Government decree of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic", - Natalya Rezina, the CEO told NEOLANT (office NEOLANT Group in St. Petersburg).

Project Completion

For October 6, 2015 specialists of NEOLANT Group loaded data on the fires since 2010 according to FIRMS and daily automatic updating of data is organized. Data on the zones of risk revealed as a result of the retrospective analysis will be necessary by preparation of precautionary actions and temporary bans on issue of lands under construction.

NEOLANT Group should execute the publication on GIS server of the vector data prepared in the industry ministries and to connect the created cards to EGIS STS. The published materials will be also available to use in industry geographic information systems of the ministries and organizations of the Republic.

Regional GIS of territorial planning of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic – RGIS TP RS (Ya) - a software package.

Within a system opportunities are implemented:

  • use of the unified web service for connection and setup of data mapping from information and analytical systems that allows to connect to EGIS STS the being in operation and newly created analytical systems at the level of settings, without completion of a program code of EGIS. Development of the unified specification of web service of analytical data reduces costs for integration of the analytical systems not only with EGIS STS, but also with other information systems of the region.
  • connection of space geoservices of different specifications – support of the formats OGC, ArcGis Dinamic Layer, ArcGis Feature Layer, OSM, Bing and also a possibility of setup of display of semantic data from geoservices is implemented. Use of such approach provides independence of EGIS STS of GIS platforms used by suppliers of data and also allows to implement the user representation of characteristics of objects.
  • maintaining semantic data (descriptions of objects) separately from space components that allows to involve in formation of these users who do not have skills on work with specialized geographic information systems. As a subsystem on preparation of semantic data the module "Maintaining Registers of Space Data" of Regional GIS of territorial planning of RS (Ya) (developed by NEOLANT Group) was used. In the module the possibility of setup of registers, creations and updatings of data on subjects of registers, their bindings to the card is implemented.
  • use of a time line and graphic marks. The functionality of a binding of objects to a time line provides representation of the actual and planned state of the territory. Also with its help it will be possible to reveal the territories subject to risk of the fires and floodings, using information on thermopoints and zones of floodings created according to remote sensing.

Screenshot of the program window, 2014

Screenshot of the program window, 2014

Project Results

On December 22, 2015 NEOLANT Group announced completion of works on creation and implementation of a uniform geographic information system of the Situational center of the Head of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic

Meeting of board (2014)

Within the project specialists of the contractor performed works:

  • Filling of EGIS STS:
    • on the platform of IAS Horizon registers of space data of health care (1523 objects), educations (1689 objects), social organizations (137 objects) of municipal level are created;
    • layers using the open source GeoServer and QuantumGIS for registers of space data are created and published;
    • are published using the free software and ESRI ArcGis Server earlier created by request of authorities of RS (Ya) of the card of the Ministry of architecture and a construction complex, the Ministry of conservation, Department of hunting;
    • external public cartographic resources are connected;
    • values of the analytical indicators provided by authorities of RS (Ya) are loaded and their representation on the card is configured.

  • Training in work with EGIS STS and open source GeoServer iquantumgis employees:

  • Carrying out trial operation of EGIS STS and development of functionality.
  • Project development of the regulating and organizational documents providing the subsequent operation of EGIS and development of infrastructure of space data:

    • concept of infrastructure of space data of RS (Ya);
    • the subprogramme of creation of IPD within the state program "Development of information society RS (Ya)";
    • regulations on the operator of EGIS and regulations of its vendor interaction of data.

As a result of the carried-out work in the Situational center of the Head of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic the data arriving from the distributed sources – cartographic and analytical – are provided in a binding to a time line. The approach offered NEOLANT Group allows to provide information support of thematic meetings in the Situational center for the different directions, without being limited to the representations configured at implementation.

System implementation allowed to solve a problem of access to vector and analytical data not only in EGIS STS, but also in other industry geographic information systems of the ministries and organizations of the republic.