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The project of integration of Moscow City Court includes Action technology

Customers: Moscow City Court

Moscow; Law

Contractors: Croc
Product: Complex projects of creation of the engineering systems

Project date: 2015/11  - 2017/12
Project's budget: 2.5 billion руб.

The end-to-end information system of courts of law (CIS SOY) Moscow is the system of electronic justice using which it will be possible to submit a claim on the Internet, to read documents and decisions of the courts and also to browse online broadcastings and videos of meetings.

System implementation is a large-scale project of informatization of the Moscow courts. All participants of legal proceedings will be able to interact with the help of a single technology platform.

Main objective of the project - increase in openness and efficiency of the judicial system: elimination of queues and red tape, ensuring transparency of judicial proceedings, optimization of working time of employees of courts, minimization of finance costs and also increase in safety of data processing.

Project Progress

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  • 1 XLIFFService: Error occurred while translating.

As the press service of Croc company reported, the final stage of process of integration of the Moscow City Court and 35 district courts of the capital with state bodies began. It is expected that bodies of judicial authority will be able to transfer in an electronic format different materials of criminal cases and judicial acts to Head department of Investigative Committee, capital Offices of the Federal Penitentiary Service and prosecutor's offices. The AIS Department - the module of a subsystem of interdepartmental interaction of CIS SOY will become the main link between bodies. The AIS was created by the staff of Croc company[1].

We install this tool in those departments which have no own system of electronic exchange of documents. If to speak about Investigative Committee, then a considerable part of work is already complete there. So, in Head department all necessary equipment is already installed, the VPN channel is built, preliminary tests are carried out. Now there is a preparation for training of employees.

Tatyana Tolstova, deputy CEO of Croc company

  • 1 XLIFFService: Error occurred while translating.

  • from FPS different petitions, requests and references will come to courts,
  • courts will send case papers in electronic form for FPS and acquaintance by the defendant.

For this purpose in pre-trial detention centers are going to install specialized touchscreen kiosks by means of which the citizens staying in places of detention can get acquainted with materials of the cases opened on them. Start of a pilot zone in the pre-trial detention center No. 2 (Butyrka) is planned for December 20, 2016.

Courts have an opportunity to send electronic versions of judicial acts and materials of affairs to the pre-trial detention center. Any documents will go to the return direction, up to the scan of the receipt of the defendant or the petition for acquaintance with case papers. Together with it need of transfer of numerous volumes of affairs and other paper documentation in OFPS organizations consigns to the past. Of course, in order that it became a reality, it is necessary to make corresponding changes to legal acts for a possibility to use electronic document management between courts and organizations of OFPS. But implementation of such opportunity will allow to reduce terms of hearing of cases, to save means on convoy of convicts in court and also to increase observance of regulations of humanity due to avoidance of additional complete examinations at departure and entrance of convicts from OFPS organization.

Integration with FPS gives technical capability more quickly to deliver sentences in the pre-trial detention center. In case of entering of corresponding changes into the legislation, concluded right after removal and entry into force of a sentence can be transported under guard to places of serving of punishments. Need to expect, receipts of a sentence on paper carrier in the pre-trial detention center will disappear.

In the Moscow court for the first time there took place Internet broadcast of a meeting

On December 15, 2016 in Dorogomilovsky Court of Moscow Internet broadcast of a court session which was organized for the first time in judicial practice of the Moscow courts of law took place.

It is curious that the first online broadcasting from court was begun with process about recognition of events in Ukraine with a coup d'etat. A claim was submitted by the former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Vladimir Oleynik.

The implemented subsystem of audio-and video fixing of court sessions allows to broadcast in real time digital video flows on the Uniform informational portal of courts of law of Moscow. Its commissioning in commercial operation is scheduled for December 30, 2016. However especially for broadcast of listening of this case the portal fragment was started.

It was possible to monitor the course of court session both with the PC, and from the mobile device with any operating system (iOs, Android, Windows). Restriction for the simultaneous number of viewings was absent, reported in Croc company which implements an end-to-end information system in Moscow City Court and 35 district courts of Moscow.

Technical maintenance of Internet broadcasting was performed also by specialists of Croc company. The final video should be automatically saved in the uniform data center created in the Moscow City Court within implementation of CIS SOY.

In addition to online viewing resonant listenings users of the portal will have an opportunity to understand quickly questions of submission of legal claims (access to lists and models of filling of documents and solutions on similar cases) and also a registration option in Personal account for submission of the petition in electronic form.

It should be noted that online broadcast of court sessions not the new phenomenon in itself. However only some arbitration courts began to do by the first it in the test mode, and did not practice it in courts of law. For example, the arbitration court of the Lipetsk region was selected by one of pilot platforms, and in 2015 the system of Internet broadcast of court sessions began to function there (within the Justice state program).

At the legislative level permission to online broadcastings appeared in 2016. In July, 2016 the Government of the Russian Federation approved bills of broadcast of court sessions on the Internet. It will become later obligatory for all courts: it is supposed that almost any judicial proceedings will be available to Internet users in 2019.[2]

Installation of equipment for a video of meetings is complete

On June 14, 2016 it became known of completion of equipping of halls for audio-and video recording of court sessions within creation of the End-to-end information system of courts of law of the city of Moscow[3].

Croc equipped 234 halls in 24 courts of Moscow with the equipment for audio-and video recording of meetings. In two of these courts about seven halls, in the others — on ten are equipped.

In six district courts a system is not provided – it is connected with architectural unavailability of buildings to retrofitting. Still a system is developed in 93 halls of four district courts in the course of construction of new buildings earlier.

The Croc company for the equipment of the Moscow City Court and district courts of Moscow needed more than 1000 microphones and cameras, 200 information booths and mixers. As a part of audio equipment mixers (at the rate of one on several halls), switches, coders, converters and other equipment are used.

Building of the Moscow City Court, (2013)

Storage of records is supposed in the Data Processing Center (DPC) of the Moscow City Court. Record is made on servers in district courts, at night they in the automatic mode are had to DPC, to uniform storage.

All equipment is installed and once is configured. The camera and the microphone "look" at the specific person, and the soundtrack with this voice is written. All this is brought to the software. Everything that is required from secretaries of courts — to click before a meeting. Also record will begin.

Videos will help to reduce number of complaints to protocols and to considerably accelerate hearing of cases in higher instances. For the first time in Moscow City Court process audio-and videos of listenings is implemented in 2012.

As a result for last year we had only two attempts to dispute contents of the protocol. While in their district courts so far thousands. Existence audio-and videos should minimize their number.

Chairmen of the courts, their deputies will be able to browse records, watching work of court, not leaving the offices.

Record of listenings on the affairs which are of public interest, the staff of the Moscow City Court will be able to edit (blur of persons of participants, shutdown of a sound at the time of announcement of the personal data or data representing a trade secret, etc.) and to publish on the portal.

For June, 2016 preliminary tests after which monthly user training will follow are carried out. In July, 2016 the stage of trial operation will begin. After that the software developed by forces of the system integrator will be transferred to the mode of day-to-day running.

After creation of the external portal there will be an opportunity to watch taking place in the courtroom in the online mode. The option should become available in January, 2017.

Start of the project

In November, 2015 the Moscow City Court announced start of the project of creation of the End-to-end information system of courts of law of the city of Moscow (CIS SOY). Project implementation which will allow participants of lawsuits to receive online access to case papers is entrusted Croc company.[4]

At a press conference the chairman of Moscow City Court Olga Egorova told that Croc will be engaged in development and deployment in capital courts of "An end-to-end information system of courts of law" (CIS SOY) by means of which it will be possible to submit a claim on the Internet, to read documents and decisions of the courts and also to browse videos of meetings participants of process.

Croc will create in Moscow the system of electronic justice for $41 million

According to Egorova, the project will be financed for the credit account in $40.8 million, provided  by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to which afterwards will return this money from the budget.

It should be noted that Croc already has experience in development of technologies of electronic Themis. The company participated in creation of the Internet portal of the Supreme Court and a card file of arbitration cases Arbitrator. It is necessary to complete project works of CIS SOY to integrator until the end of 2016.

System implementation will be performed in several stages. Until the end of 2016 CIS SOY is going to be implemented in 35 capital courts and also in the Moscow City Court.

Problems of a system

By means of a system it will be possible to submit a claim on the Internet, to read documents and decisions of the courts and also to browse videos of meetings and online broadcasting.

By means of the uniform portal of courts of law of Moscow judges will be able to send electronic requests in departments, including law enforcement agencies, service of court ushers and Rosreestr that should accelerate process of hearing of cases significantly.

Large-scale implementation of a video conferencing (VIDEOCONFERENCING) will allow to avoid convoy of participants of legal procedures from organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service to courtrooms.

The subsystem "Electronic case" will help to reduce a paper routine in work of the judicial system, to reduce terms of hearing of cases and also time for providing materials in higher instance in need of reconsideration of the case. For this purpose the materials of legal cases coming to court will be transferred to the electronic form convenient at all stages of consideration and online access to the parties of process at once.

The module of Outgoing correspondence will facilitate processes of formation of the list of mailings (Form 103), the accompanying documentation, reports on sending letters and a letter printing, having exempted employees of the device from routine handwork.

The created technology platform will provide electronic interaction of the courts, participants of legal proceedings and departments promoting administration of justice and also data exchange in electronic form between all levels of the Moscow judicial system.

By estimates of Croc, only in the system of the Moscow courts and departments about 5 thousand employees will use a new system, and taking into account citizens, lawyers and lawyers the number of users can make several millions.


During the project the providing systems are implemented 8 applied and 4. Among the implemented subsystems — uniform data center, portals for needs of citizens and employees of offices of courts, subsystems of interdepartmental and mezhurovny interaction, "Electronic business", Electronic archive and so forth.

Integration with 12 state departments is provided.

Within CIS SOY, in particular, the Personal account of the participant of judicial proceedings will be entered. Access to it will be provided to participants of judicial proceedings and only in the presence of the electronic signature.

For implementation of audio-and video recording of meetings of CROC equipped 234 halls in 24 courts of Moscow with more than 1000 microphones (in particular AKG) and cameras (IP video cameras of Panasonic and Samsung) and also 234 self-service terminals for information output about listenings.

At the programming layer the subsystem is own development of CROC and consists of modules of the publication and broadcast of videos. The last allows to broadcast in real time digital video flows on the Uniform informational portal of courts of law of Moscow.

The prevailing part of program IT solutions is developed based on products open source, or domestic production. According to the deputy director general of Croc Tatyana Tolstova, the share of domestic developments in technical solutions of the project makes 60%.

Project Development

On December 13, 2017 it became known of implementation in Moscow of a subsystem, within electronic justice — Action.

By means of this technology the staff of 36 courts of law of the capital can write and broadcast court sessions and other events: seminars, press conferences, meetings of judges.

Diagram of project implementation, (2017)

The technology will become a part of the "An end-to-end information system of courts of law" (CIS SOY) implemented in Moscow. Its creation is provided by the supplementary agreement with Croc company.

The subsystem is accepted by the Moscow City Court and for December 13, 2017 there is a preparation for the beginning of operation. The end of implementation is planned for the middle of December, 2017. Before use will provide training of staff of courts - employees of the press service of Moscow City Court and assistants to chairmen of district courts who will plan and appoint actions.

Subsystem core - own development Croc. Will be able to use the solution any cameras connected to it mounted in courts of law of the capital. Completions consisted in creation of separate accounting base, screen forms and interfaces which allow to plan, to write and browse actions, to conduct search in the name, date, type of an event and other attributes. Additional deliveries of the equipment or retrofitting of premises were not required.

10 people in the Moscow City Court and several people from each of district courts will become operators of a subsystem Action. For them and for other users distribution of access rights is organized. Separate courts can broadcast actions only on audience which interestingly taking place event. Restriction of visibility is available on work location of the employee of court and the position held by it.

The application will be available to all employees of courts of law of Moscow (about 5 thousand people) via the web interface, additional software should not be installed[5].
