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Regional geographic information system of the Moscow region

Customers: Government of the Moscow region

Product: GIS projects

Project date: 2012/03  - 2014/09


The project of creation of a regional geographic information system of the Moscow region (RGIS) was approved at a meeting of the regional government in October, 2012.


Should be a part of the system data on a real estate, land management, about zones with special terms of use, including security zones, a design of a street road network, cartographic and statistical information. Besides, within RGIS information on especially protected areas, town-planning plans, data on solid waste landfills (MSW), the markets and also data on health facilities, cultures, educations and other gathers. Data are imposed on a cartographic basis in the form of thematic layers.


By resolution No. 49/3 of 1/30/2017 it is established that to perform financing of actions for ensuring functioning of RGIS at the expense of budget funds of the Moscow region within the budgetary appropriations provided by the state program of the Moscow region Effective power for 2017-2021 approved by the government decree of the Moscow region of 10/25/2016 No. 781/39 "About the approval of the state program of the Moscow region Effective power for 2017-2021".

In 2012 10 million rubles were selected for creation of a prototype of RGIS and the analysis of the system of the Moscow region existing at that time. For 2013 150 million rubles were put. By estimates of the minister of a state administration, IT and communication of the Moscow region Maksut Shadayev on a system about 300 million rubles in total are required if the region wants to make high-precision shooting of all area.

Migration on open DBMS

In August, 2015 the minister of Moscow area of a state administration, IT and communication of the Moscow region Maksut Shadayev told TAdviser about plans for migration of the main IT systems of the region from Oracle DBMS on PostgreSQL DBMS. RGIS of the Moscow region will become one of the first systems which will move to open DBMS.