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The World of Tanks developer moves with VMware to OpenStack

Customers: Wargaming

Minsk; Information Technology

Contractors: Mirantis, G-Core
Product: Mirantis OpenStack (MOS)
На базе: OpenStack
Second product: VMware vCenter
Third product: DPC of G-Core

Project date: 2016/03  - 2016/09

In February, 2016 Mirantis announced agreement signature on transfer of a part of IT infrastructure of the developer and publisher of the games Wargaming from the VMware vCenter platform on Mirantis OpenStack. Practically everything that is directly not connected with the game engine is transferred to the new platform: what the user of a game sees not through the client of a game, and via the browser - the personal account, a premium shop, etc., told TAdviser in Mirantis.

Engineers of G-Core company, provider of IT infrastructure Wargaming acted as initiators of changes: transition to Mirantis OpenStack will allow G-Core to get rid of labor-consuming routine transactions and as much as possible to automate office processes, they calculate.

VMware vCenter does not allow to automate fully process of management of virtual infrastructure, including selection of sets of virtual machines, subnets and resources of data storage, told TAdviser in Mirantis.

As all installation process and software configurations at G-Core is automated, this restriction of vCenter was a serious obstacle on the way of full automation and required handmade large volume, and products of VMware which expand functionality of vCenter and allow to construct a full-fledged cloud of IaaS, are extremely expensive, - say in Mirantis.

Besides, G-Core in the to practice is guided by use of the Open source software. Thus, use of OpenStack allows to construct end-to-end installation process and settings of applications and environments that is extremely important, considering IT infrastructure scale with which G-Core it is necessary to deal, added to Mirantis.

VMware did not comment on opinion of representatives of Mirantis on the solution.

Mirantis notes that in case of a project success it is possible to expect cooperation increase and transfer of game servers to OpenStack. The game engine uses physical "iron" now and to be engaged in its virtualization and transfer to a cloud at the first stage is risky. At the same time, plans such are, but to start the colleague want to get practical experience of operation of a cloud, speak in Mirantis.
