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SAP Health Engagement

The name of the base system (platform): SAP HANA Cloud Platform (SAP HCP)
Developers: SAP SE
Date of the premiere of the system: February 26, 2016
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: Cloud Computing


2016: Announcement

At the end of February, 2016 the German company SAP provided a cloud platform of Health Engagement by means of which producers of mobile technologies and independent software developers will be able to create applications for the solution of certain problems of medical character.

Health Engagement represents the application for smartphones and tablets thanks to which it is possible to develop other programs providing close interaction of patients and doctors. For example, software created on the basis of Health Engagement allows doctors to poll remotely patients, to monitor drug intake and observance of other medical instructions.

SAP submitted the platform for development of medical software of Health Engagement

Earlier the SAP company in partnership with Roche Diabetes Care (Germany) developed the SAP solution Health Link helping to prevent development of diabetes. Roche Diagnostics used Health Engagement for work of the complex of solutions (glucose meters, wearable devices and other tools enter into it) for patients with diabetes. The appendix is contained by a number of the algorithms which are daily tracing glucose level in blood. In case of an abnormal deviation of any parameters, Health Engagement sends warning to the doctor, and the diabetic — the recommendation of what needs to be made.

The experience accumulated during partnership, and withdrawals of a wide range of clients were used during creation the SAP solutions Health Engagement, offering flexible development tools of applications for treatment of any chronic diseases. Also these applications can solve the problems connected with participation of patients in clinical trials and with the personalized home care.

"In general this platform allows to strengthen cooperation between the doctors and patients suffering from any chronic diseases" — Dirk Uebelhör, the head of Roche Diabetes Care company (Germany) said.

The Health application is created based on wider Engagement Foundation for Health platform which allows workers of health care to collect and analyze medical data (entries in medical records, the sequences of human genome, results of researches, etc.) within a single system. Her idea is in that doctors and researchers could implement new medicines and methods of treatment on an individual basis or to groups of patients.

Patients very often do not observe medical instructions, and Health Engagement is that application by means of which we can not only analyze results of questioning, but also reduce quantity of nesoblyudeniye of the medical mode — Dinesh Vandayar, the vice president for the personalized medicine of SAP said.[1]

Thanks to direct link between patients and doctors, data transmission in real time and fast analytics such technology allows health workers and heads of improving programs to perform intervention at early stages of a disease to raise indicators of health and to lower the possible cost level on treatment in the future.

"The SAP company offers advanced technology which increases the standard of living of people and surrounds them with care — Werner Eberhardt, the general manager of the direction of the personalized medicine commented, on SAP. — The SAP solution Health Engagement allows medical institutions to develop the applications facilitating a status of patients with chronic diseases providing personalized home care and performing clinical trials. The round-the-clock communication with attending physicians gives the chance to patients more effectively to interact with medical institutions and to receive better treatment".

Collection of data on patients

SAP® Health Engagement collects data on the patient and indications of the sensors placed on a body using mobile application and quickly synchronizes all volume of the acquired information. Indications of wearable sensors can be embedded in the application using Bluetooth using, for example, HealthKit Apple or a native integration tool. Connection of clients is performed very easily: by scanning of the unique two-dimensional barcode using mobile application. At the same time information is automatically taken from the server database and transferred to the mobile device.

Transfer and storage of confidential information on the state of health

The SAP solution Health Engagement developed based on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform platform allows to make high-speed data analysis of in-memory for the research purposes. It helps to create new hypotheses with respect for strict confidentiality and compliance to the royal standards of data security. The solution gives to patients full control over their personal indicators of the state of health and allows to solve to whom to provide access to this information.

The simplified management of programs

Developers can adapt the improving programs facilitating personal care for the patient. Such solutions help patients to adjust more healthy lifestyle using mobile user applications and provide collecting of the necessary (anonymous) data providing material for further researches.
