Customers: Rosenergobank Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit Product: DPC Projects of creation and upgradeProject date: 2015/03 - 2015/11
In Moscow at the beginning of 2016 the Rosenergobank put into operation the new data processing center (DPC) created according to international standards using advanced technologies according to requirements of the Tier III standard (extremely high standard of reliability of the equipment and infrastructure). Key difference of similar data centers is the possibility of carrying out repair work (including replacement of components of a system, adding and removal of the failed equipment) without stopping activity. Monitoring of all elements of infrastructure is performed in the round-the-clock mode. The failed equipment is replaced within no more than 4 hours.
The DPC of Rosenergobank with independent uninterruptible power supply units, including the diesel generator and conditioning systems, ensures stable functioning of the automated banking system, modules for crediting, processing of ATMs and many other systems without which work of modern bank is impossible today.
Ensuring the maximum reliability and safety, the modern DPC will allow to guarantee smooth operation of all systems, permanent data availability of bank and also to provide services and services for employees and clients in the round-the-clock mode – 24/7,365 days in a year.
On the new equipment the staff of Rosenergobank carried out works on the organization of independent communication channels, upgrade of a core of the corporate data network (CDN) and also updating and accumulation of computing powers of DPC to transition time. The main services of bank did not stop activity during all necessary works.
The DPC includes the centralized updated storage system and computing infrastructure based on the advanced solutions of world leaders in production of computer aids which allow to provide the maximum capacity of systems and applications of Bank and also to lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).