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Practice of assessment of the borrower by Social Attributes NBKI service

Customers: Moscow Credit Bank (MCB)

Product: NBKI of Social Attributes and Social Link

Project date: 2015/12  - 2016/02

"Moscow Credit Bank" (MKB) started use of a joint product of the companies "National Bureau of Credit Histories" (NBKI) and Double Data. Service Social Attributes processes information on private borrowers from open data sources (social networks) and submits it to the creditor who has an opportunity more precisely to estimate credit risks at a stage of consideration of the request for the credit in any of segments of retail lending. Using Social Attributes bank the risk management is going to optimize process of adoption of credit solutions and work.

"At this stage of development of crediting in Russia the question of collecting and the analysis of complex information on borrowers becomes more and more relevant — the director of the department of retail lending of "the Moscow Credit Bank" Alexander Shornikov noted. — Using Social Attributes service we will be able to optimize risk management, react sensitively to demand, to understand opportunities and needs of our clients and to upgrade a product line in compliance with their wishes".
"Use of high technologies in decision making processes about issuance of credits is competitive advantage for the creditor — the CEO of NBKI Vikulin Alexander is sure. — The NBKI service gives to the creditor an opportunity in addition to process huge arrays of essentially new information that increases the predictive force of scoring models of the creditor and allows to receive the most complete portrait of the borrowers. It not only improves risk management and optimizes credit processes of bank, but also helps to configure an optimal line of credit products".
"Millions of Russians use social networks, leaving in them terabytes of information useful to credit market — the CEO of DoubleData Ginzhuk Maxim claims. — We could develop technology which quickly finds the necessary data and processes them in a format, convenient for the creditor. Together with NBKI we give to creditors an opportunity without additional contact with the clients and almost instantly to obtain information on them that allows to plan credit processes and to manage risks".

As noted, technologies of Big Data are available within the existing IT infrastructure of NBKI that saves the creditor from costs for integration and allows to use an innovation in few days after making decision on connection to service.