Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Bullfinch software


Number of employees
2016 year


Main activity of the company: Development of the platform of automation of all processes of service IT.

  • development of the integrated Platform 4IT system;
  • services in the field of implementation of end-to-end systems of management of IT;
  • technical support and maintenance of information systems;
  • integration of systems existing at the enterprises into a common information space;
  • sale of licenses to use and technical support of Platform 4IT.

Developer of the platform of automation of all processes of service IT: project management, services, assets, risks, finance, command, purchases and documents. Proposed solution integrates in itself all best practices of IT management and conforms to requirements of ITSM/ITAM/PMBOK/ISO. An opportunity to combine solution components depending on the current tasks of IT within a single platform. A possibility of flexible configuration "under itself" that allows to use them both in the large companies, and in small IT commands.