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Bibikol automated collecting of the reporting

Customers: Bibikol

Mytishchi; Food industry

Contractors: CISLINK
Product: Cislink Data Tracking Service (DTS)

Project date: 2016/01  - 2016/05

On July 7, 2016 the CISLINK company announced an implementation project of a system of collecting of the reporting of Data Tracking Service (DTS) with Bibikol company.

Project Progress

Advertizing to anniversary of Bibikol company, (2015)
our company is present at the Russian market for a long time. With a permanent growth of amount of data in work with distributors, there was a need for optimization of collecting of the reporting from distributors and postprocessing of information. Knowing about experience of competitors, we addressed to CISLINK company behind the solution of our pressing problem. If to consider that the start of the project had for the beginning of calendar year with all its holidays, then it is possible to consider that the test period managed to be started quickly enough. We selected the largest and important distributors who already cooperate with CISLINK therefore no problems with connection during the test period existed.

Due to the smooth test period, we had very optimistic expectations of rather future connections. But as it appeared, not all distributors are ready to be connected quickly or have experience, technologies and resources necessary for this purpose. Nevertheless, for half a year of the project we managed to connect 41 distributors. To some of them still there are questions, a half of them could not provide retro and data as we wanted that, but mostly we are happy with results.

Using DTS from CISLINK we increased the accuracy and completeness of data which we obtain from distributors. Besides, all our managers independently can unload now data necessary for them more effectively to control a situation in the region. In general, this system is much more convenient for unloading and data analysis, than that which we used earlier.