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2016/08/01 09:20:58

Interview of TAdviser with the vice president of Galaktika Corporation, head of directorate of EAM Alexander Burgardt

Alexander Burgardt, the vice president of Galaktika Corporation, the head of directorate of EAM, in an interview of TAdviser told about the implementing solution "Galaxy EAM" at Komsomol oil refinery, the reasons of the choice of this system and the first project deliverables.

of Burgardt
We are the reliable and checked partners for our clients

When did the project on the implementing solution "Galaxy EAM" at Komsomol oil refinery start? What tasks were going to be implemented during the project?

Alexander Burgardt The project started in October, 2015. Within implementation it was required to automate a number of tasks, in particular, registration of an operating time and idle times on the equipment, input of results of vibration diagnostics and the thickness measuring, calculation of corrosion rate and formation of corrosion cards. Besides, it was necessary to provide accounting of hardware failures, to configure automatic calculation of the amount of materials required for carrying out repairs on the basis of consumption rates of materials, etc. In addition setup of the KPI parameters, formation of report forms and integration into the Galaktika ERP system regarding import of data on the actual material consumption at accomplishment of repairs was required.

Why the solution of your company was selected? What advantages does it have in comparison with competitive products?

Alexander Burgardt From the customer the large volume of works on the choice of the information solution in the specified area was carried out. First of all the domestic developers having wide experience of implementation of the similar systems in the territory of Russia in petrochemical area were estimated. Galaktika Corporation provided the experience of implementation of a system in the Angarsk petroleum chemical plant, the companies "Bashkirian Chemistry", "Vostoknefteprovod" and some other. When choosing functionality and technical features of a system, the offered implementation and also service opportunities of the company – vendor of information support were estimated.

The great value when choosing was rendered by experience of implementation of information systems in Rosneft and also a domestic information system of support of transfer of technology equipment only at the moment to the increased between-repairs cycle. The current functionality of a system considers requirements of the existing regulating documents of Rosneft in the field of management of technical condition of technology equipment and also provides necessary tools for implementation of the most modern control techniques with the equipment on the basis of reliability.

Thus, our solution completely corresponds to current demands of the customer and also closes future needs for use of difficult algorithms and process optimization of maintenance and repair. The important role was played by the ample integration opportunities of proposed solution allowing to create the uniform corporate database of the normative and help and technical information with a possibility of detailed efficiency analysis of technical influences on the corresponding process system, viewing photo and video reports, results of engineering certifications, industrial examination, instructions of Rostekhnadzor and many others.

What is the time occupied system implementation? Whether some significant completions of a system specifically were made for this project?

Alexander Burgardt The first stage of system implementation on technology equipment of a pilot object was completed in May, 2016. Now works on replication of the solution process systems of the plant are ready to do anything. Significant completions of a system included implementation of industry specifics and corporate standards of Rosneft. First of all it is the works connected with technical diagnostics and the automated processing of results more than 12 types of non-destructive engineering control, setup of specialized decision making support system (including mailing of notifications and control of actions of production personnel), implementation of the corporate reporting.

Whether integration into other solutions working at the enterprise was carried out?

Alexander Burgardt Integration was performed with the systems of technical diagnostics (mobile and stationary), the APCS system (data on an operating time and idle times), an ERP system.

What staff of Refinery is involved in work with a system? How many jobs were automated?

Alexander Burgardt As a result of implementation more than 20 automated workplace types - for the technical lead, the chief metrologist, the chief power engineer, the master and the shop manager, the mechanic of instrumentation and automated control systems, load-lifting mechanisms, reliability, industrial security, labor protection engineers, etc. were created.

What objectives managed to achieve using "Galaktika EAM"? Can you call some quantitative results of implementation?

Alexander Burgardt As a result of implementation all effective objectives and project tasks were achieved. Commercial operation of a system which will provide quantitative and qualitative indexes of increase in efficiency is necessary for efficiency evaluation of the project. It should be noted increase in level and quality of a work practice of control of the equipment, advanced training of the personnel working with modern techniques of reliability augmentation and efficiency, implementation of elements risk management, maintaining complete technical history, traceability and identification of all factors connected with technical operation of the equipment.

At one of conferences you called the project at Komsomol oil refinery investment. Tell, please, in more detail about it.

Alexander Burgardt It was talked of the investment project from the customer who should have accurate payback periods and receiving an additional profit. New modern technologies of effective management of production assets just solve these problems. Galaktika Corporation showed the best practices of project implementation on development and deployment of information systems, support of modern control techniques. We are the reliable and checked partners for our clients. In our assets - the modern intelligent systems of development supporting the advanced techniques and providing short terms and high quality of execution of projects. We offer the web platform for permission of the arising problems and implementation of offers. Our clients and system developers can work with its help directly to avoid standard problems and distortions. This and many other things allow us to provide unsurpassed quality of the offered services.

Whether there are at the customer plans for development of a system?

Alexander Burgardt This project is the best practices of management of production assets therefore has the considerable potential for development and growth. According to the results of completion of automation of a pilot object, a large number of the offers concerning the most different aspects of activity arrived. Plans for balancing of resources and increase in effective management of production personnel using mobile devices are the most interesting. Besides, the received solution allows to solve adjacent problems of warehouse logistics and to keep more detailed account and the history of the movement of material values. Solutions the questions connected with electronic document management, approval, document approval, calculation and control of financial performance and many other things are found in a stage.