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ITs "Giperzvuk" automated work with archive of documents

Customers: Hyper sound, ITs

St. Petersburg; Real Estate

Contractors: Atlas Soft
Product: Electronic archive Etla
На базе: Etla platform

Project date: 2016/02  - 2016/05

On August 5, 2016 the Atlas Soft company announced implementation of technology of electronic archive in JSC Inzhenerny the Giperzvuk center.

Project Tasks

Main objective of the organization of electronic archive of documents - formation of the digital register of client lease agreements, structuring internal and accounting documentation.

For work optimization the company management made the decision to automate processes of storage and access to all documents of the company by means of creation of the adapted electronic archive. After market research of products in the field of electronic archives and carrying out a number of consultations with representatives of supplier companies the choice was stopped on the system of electronic archive Etla.

Project Results

Implementation of electronic archive of documents promoted reliability augmentation and efficiency of activity of the company due to fast document registration and receiving quick access to documents, both from a workplace, and from mobile devices.