Since 2006
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Profsoyuznaya, 45
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In 2012 "Filimonova and Yankel" became the winner of the Annual National Award "Healthy Power Supply"! The award is initiated by Scientific Research Institute PITANIYA of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, with assistance of the Government of Moscow. Therefore its authoritativeness is obvious. Why it is three times as much pleasant to gain such recognition.
The concept absolutely young at that time "Filimonova and Yankel" showed very serious growth of indicators. The number of restaurants doubled, revenue — for 103%, and the number of guests — for 104%. As a result, the fish-house "Filimonova and Yankel" became the golden winner of the official international award Foodservice Awards by Leaders Club International for the best restaurant concept in Russia!
2006: Creation of the company
History of fish-houses "Filimonova and Yankel" began in 2006 with opening of the first fish-house in Shopping Center Evropeysky. Before the format of fish-houses in Russia was unknown. Then the second fish-house on Tver was open, this restaurant concept became network.