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The name of the base system (platform): The first OFD: Processing system of fiscal data
Developers: Power generating systems and communications (ESK) the First OFD, 1C Joint Stock Company
Last Release Date: 2016
Branches: Trade
Technology: Trade automation systems



software release Is updated

On December 19, 2016 the JSC ESK company provided the updated release of the services of the fiscal data operator on the market.

The functionality of the software facilitates work with a system, both for large retail networks, and for individual entrepreneurs.

"The first OFD" updated a product in several directions:

  • Automatic connection of cash desk on the basis of the report on registration of the cash register equipment. Now to see cash desk in a personal account of the client, there is no need for manual entry of information: when sending the report on registration of the cash register equipment the cash desk automatically appears in the list of the cash equipment.
  • Support of electronic keys of JaCarta. The clients selling alcoholic products and connected to the Unified State Automated Information System system will be able to use usual to them the corporate electronic signature (CES) JaCarta for the organization of legally significant relationship with First OFD
  • Structure formation of network of sales. Now clients in a personal account and mobile applications can integrate the cash desks on outlets: on the basis of data on an installation site from the report on registration of cash desk are grouped in the automatic mode.
  • Unloading of data. In the updated personal account clients can unload the data on everyone of the cash register equipment transferred by them in a necessary section. The present possibility will be useful to the organization of reconciliation of the data with data transferred to OFD in internal information systems of the company and elimination of the reasons of possible discrepancies.

Having wide experience in processing of fiscal data, we fixed effective channels of feedback from our clients and partners. It is a necessary part of technology process. We aim to respond as fast as possible to the market requests, continuously working on a product and being in permanent search of simple and convenient solutions. Flexibility and capability to find responses to key requests of the client, saving at the same time high quality, – here the main task which we set for ourselves.

Alexey Krasnopolsky, director of a product of First OFD

The functionality of a system is available to all clients of the company.

The agreement with 1C

In December, 2016 the fiscal data operator First OFD and 1C signed the cooperation agreement within which partners of 1C will be able to connect clients to services of First OFD through 1C-OFD service.

New edition of federal law 54-FZ on use of the cash registers considerably expanded a circle of the companies and individual entrepreneurs obliged to use the cash register equipment. On the C of July, 2017 all companies performing retail sales to the population should transfer information from cash desk to the tax inspection through the fiscal data operator.

See Also:
Online data exchange between outlets and tax administration (the cash registers, the cash register equipment, POS terminals)

That partners of 1C could give to retailers the qualified support, 1C Company started 1C-OFD service and creates network of Competence Centers on 54-FZ.

The agreement with First OFD will allow partners of 1C to connect the clients through the integrated 1C-OFD service to this fiscal data operator, without increase in official cost of services OFD. The 1C-OFD service will allow to simplify connection to fiscal data operators and interaction with them.

"Competence Centers of 1C on 54-FZ are created based on our network 1C: Franchising which includes more than 6700 partner implementation organizations. They will help the retail organizations and entrepreneurs with all regions of the country. The qualified specialists who are well knowing the legislation and having experience with the cash registers will not only connect clients to OFD. Within 1C-OFD service they will provide consultations on registration of cash desks in a personal account of the taxpayer in FTS, will assist in identification of the problems interfering full-time job on data transmission from cash desks to the fiscal data operator and also will help to receive and configure the qualified electronic signature (QES)" – the head of department of promotion of economic programs of 1C Company Alexey Kharitonov noted.

Further in software products of 1C it is going to implement expanded interaction with First OFD and cash desks: directly from interfaces 1C it will be possible to manage registration and connection of cash desks, to conduct monitoring of operation of the cash registers, to verify the data transferred from cash desks to FTS with data of the accounting system of 1C.