The name of the base system (platform): | 1C:Enterprise 8.3 |
Developers: | 1C-Rarus |
Last Release Date: | 2018/11/02 |
Technology: | Accounting systems |
2018: 1C-Rarus: EPS 4 pawnshop
On November 2, 2018 the 1C-Rarus company reported that the line of drawing solutions for pawnshops was replenished with the software product "1C-Rarus: EPS 4 pawnshop". IT solution is intended for accounting by the unified plan of accounts (UPA), tax accounting, accounting of lombard transactions. The main differences of a system — emphasis on universality, ample opportunities for remote work and sharing in large networks of pawnshops.
According to the developer, program "1C-Rarus: EPS 4 pawnshop" — a versatile tool for automation of activity of pawnshops, including automobile, jewelry, hour, fur, technical pawnshops. A system is suitable both for one pawnshop, and for large networks in about tens and in hundreds of branches.
In the program accounting of all operations performed by a pawnshop with accounting of EPS, tax and management accounting is implemented. A system allows to use any tax modes (the STS, an UIIT, the normal system of taxation, SP) and to pass from one tax regime to another in working base in several minutes. Work with online cash desks according to 54-FZ is configured. In the program the integral unit helping the head of a pawnshop to monitor organization activity from any place in the world. Necessary data are displayed not only on a desktop of 1C, but also in mobile application "by Uconto: Reports of the head". Broad range of reports, reports of data and statistical information is available to the head. All information can be presented in the form of evident diagrams, noted in 1C-Rarus.
According to the developer, the solution is equipped with wide functionality for automation of a branch network. All branches can be connected to a single system on the Internet by three methods:
- via the browser;
- through the thin client;
- through terminal connection.
Work in "clouds" is available.
According to the statement of the developer, a system gives an opportunity of maintaining a unified plan of accounts in the program:
- Create postings on accounts of EPS.
- Prepare and create reports on financial results according to Provision 612.
- Prepare the reporting for delivery in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation according to provision 613-P.
A system also interacts with Federal Service for Financial Monitoring (Rosfinmonitoring), automatically loading the list of terrorists and informing if the client is in this list.
The form of the mortgage ticket conforming to requirements of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and tax and other regulations of the Russian Federation is built in the program. Changes of requirements of the legislation to printed forms are regularly monitored and quickly entered to the program in the form of updates. The solution has flexible configurations of printing, editing and adding of additional printed forms, noted in 1C-Rarus.
As consider in 1C-Rarus, for the employee of a pawnshop work with a system is:
- Quick search of clients in base.
- Quick selection of terms for crediting (rates, schemes).
- Fast predesign of percent for any date.
- Automatic calculation of the amount of assessment for mortgage things.
- An opportunity to photograph things at a pledge design (using the webcam).
- Quick search and selection of mortgage tickets by different parameters.
- Automatic formation of cash orders or for everyone operations with mortgage tickets, or svodno according to the results of day.
- Simple design of operations with mortgage tickets taking into account all rules of a pawnshop.
In the program "1C-Rarus: EPS 4 pawnshop" it is possible to configure different options of crediting, with different options of deduction of percent, charges on pledge, credit rates and the periods, different options of the minimum term and a minimum amount for payment. In a system it is possible to conduct advertizing campaigns for clients, to set preferential terms of the early redemption. The instrument of SMS mailing helping to keep in a continuous communication with clients, to send reminders on need of debt repayment under mortgage tickets, to create notifications to the employees, to notify on important news, actions, new rates, to work with current and to look for new clients is built in a system, the developer claims.
As noted in 1C-Rarus, security data it is provided with access restriction in the program for roles (the accountant, the merchandiser, the director, etc.), prohibition on an input without password, separation of access on the organizations, branches, delegation of the rights from one user to another, the magazine of all actions of users and additional protection personal data using the protected software package "1C:Enterprise 8".
Together with the program "1C-Rarus: EPS 4 pawnshop" it is possible to use free mobile application "the Pawnshop: A personal account" which allows to unload data on pledges from the program in mobile application.
2017: 1C-Rarus: Pawnshop, edition 4.0
Product "1C-Rarus: The pawnshop, edition 4.0" is intended for automation of activity of pawnshops, automobile pawnshops and jewelry pawnshops.
Features and program capabilities for January, 2017:
- Work within a branch network of the Pawnshop;
- Work with the pledges/loans/credits in a pawnshop:
- Accounting of the forms of the strict accounting (FSA);
- Design of the main lombard operations with mortgage tickets: Pledge, the Redemption, Perezalog (prolongation), the Partial redemption, the Partial redemption with repledge, Transfer on an auction, Withdrawal by law enforcement agencies;
- Possibility of flexible configuration of schemes of crediting;
- Information storage about mortgage property: automatic calculation of the amounts of assessment and possible loan on the basis of the set characteristics accepted as proof of things; storage of files and images; a possibility of obtaining the image of a mortgage thing from the webcam; reflection of the stored property on the off-balance account;
- Simple setup of a printed form of the mortgage ticket in a user mode; printing is possible both on ready typographical forms, and on blank sheets;
- Reflection of charges in regulated accounting (quickly and when closing the ticket); charge of the VAT on percent both quickly, and svodno in a month; automatic formation of cash orders or for everyone operations with mortgage tickets, or svodno according to the results of day;
- The automated workplace of the merchandiser: display of the list of mortgage tickets and their key parameters, display of summary information on the history of relationship with the selected pledger, a possibility of input of operation with the current ticket and display of earlier entered transactions, a possibility of use of different selections, a possibility of quick search of the necessary ticket;
- Subsystem of the organization of biddings in the Pawnshop;
- Subsystem of buying up of values in the Pawnshop;
- Specialized reports;
- The monitor of work of a pawnshop for the head;
- Interaction with Federal Service for Financial Monitoring;
- Interaction with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: data preparation for reporting about transactions with money, data on activity of a pawnshop and staff of governing bodies;
- Integration with mobile application "the Pawnshop: Personal account": sending information on a pawnshop (contact information), data exchange on pledges, reminders on events on pledge, sending push-notifications on pawnshop news.
Configuration "1C-Rarus: The pawnshop, edition 4.0" is not independent, it is necessary to have the set configuration for its work Enterprise accounting, edition 3.0 on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.
The software product is protected and contains the code fragments which are not subject to change by the user, has protection against unauthorized use. At the same time the principle of the maximum openness of the code for a possibility of adaptation of a product under needs of end users is implemented.