Customers: Continent of SPb Contractors: Storverk Product: 1C: Trade Management 8На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Second product: Storverk:CRM Project date: 2015/10 - 2015/12
Project Objectives
- Optimize and automate business processes of the company;
- Automate accounting of customer relations;
- Automate and optimize work of sales department;
- Automate interactions in the company under approval of the prices and sales terms;
- Automate monitoring of market prices of competitors;
- Automate vendor interaction;
- Automate work of contact center;
- Implement customer analysis (the reasons and stages of failures);
- Implement efficiency analysis of advertizing channels;
- Obtain reliable data on efficiency of sales department and related departments of purchases, logistics and accounting.
Solution specifications
- Integration with an accounting system""1C: Trade management"";
- Integration with the IP telephony;
- Integration with the website and the systems of web analytics.
Project Results
- The uniform tool allowing to increase management efficiency and transparency of business is created;
- All departments involved in a chain of sales work in a common information space;
- The efficiency of use of working time by employees by minimization of manual entry and duplication of information is increased;
- The number of working communications was reduced, approval of the prices and sales terms happens in a single system;
- Integration with the accounting system, the IP telephony, the website and the systems of web analytics is made that allows to receive end-to-end analytics of sales from a lead source before shipment of products;
- The effective monitoring system of competitors is implemented;
- Correct work of contact center with automatic start of business process on call-down in compliance with strict hierarchy of priority of tasks is adjusted.