Customers: Shell Contractors: System technologies (Kaliningrad) Product: ST Mobile Trade. ChicagoНа базе: ST Mobile trade Project date: 2014/03 - 2014/09
Since 2014 Shell Neft uses the ST of Chicago system for management of distribution and control of field commands.
"ST Chicago" — an example of a system which delivers qualitative data for BI — Zumrat comments on Muradov. — Business is interested to keep track of efficiency in the online mode. So, if we start marketing activities, we want to keep track of their efficiency in real time. It cannot be made a manual method: only on preparation of interim statements it is required from two to five days. Naturally, implementation of a BI system — the separate project which implementation requires human resources. But as a result we get rid of the huge volume of routine work and we give to business operational reports in the most different cuts".