Customers: RareCarat New York; Information technologies Influential Dynepic Contractors: IBM Cognitive Business Solutions Product: IBM WatsonНа базе: IBM Elastic Storage Server (ESS) Project date: 2016/06 - 2016/12
On March 23, 2017 the IBM company announced Watson system implementation developer companies, brand managers in spheres of marketing, retail and entertainments.
Project Progress
Improvement of customer interaction
RareCarat increases quality of customer service using the chat-bot based on AI. Bot by the name of "Rocca's AI Jeweller" ("Rocky the Artificial Intelligence Jeweler") uses Watson Tradeoff Analytics and Conversation services to simplify process of purchase for clients. A system prepares reasonable recommendations on the basis of data analysis which RareCarat received for the last four months. This information includes 10 million basic data on the cost of diamonds and their parameters, more than 500 thousand search queries of users and more than 50 thousand messages from correspondence of the company with clients.
Creation of reasonable marketing campaigns
Influential is technology of assessment of personal influence and the marketing platform. Works with Mazda North American Operations, helping to create a campaign with involvement of leaders of opinions. Influential will use the insights received from clients by Mazda for the choice of the most relevant participants of a campaign for promotion of new Mazda CX-5 on social networks. The campaign selects those traits of character of leaders of opinions most of which correspond to a role of the ideal representative of a brand. For example, such qualities as "creative interests", "extraversion" and "emotionality".
Creation of safe social network for children
Dynepic uses Watson to give the chance to communicate to children of the whole world. The social platform under the name Internet of Kids allows children to interact up to 13 years with each other online, giving to parents an opportunity to manage this communication. The platform is created based on API Watson Text to Speech and helps the children beginning to develop skills of reading and the letter, to communicate orally.
Improvement of decision making process for ecologists
The WikiNet company uses Watson and helps specialists to reveal in the field of environment protection optimal technologies for recultivation of the contaminated objects. Combining different services Watson, including Retrieve and Rank, Alchemy Language, Watson Knowledge Studio and Natural Language Classifier, WikiNet analyzes data from reports, scientific magazines and regulations. Then creates offers - what technologies of recultivation better to use for each object.