Customers: ORMETO-YUUMZ Yekaterinburg; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: Microtest Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2007/10 - 2008/09
Number of licenses: 120
In communication by change of structure of concern and the general business development the management made the decision on process optimization of corporate management and creation of the unified information system of management. On the data which are available for TAdviser, earlier accounting at the enterprise was automated by means of systems on the 1C: Enterprise platform of the previous versions, and an inventory control was kept in a "self-written" system. As the new platform of automation the solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" was selected, and its mastering was decided to begin with the block of accounting of material values. The Microtest company became the contractor of the project.
The project started in October, 2007, and included automation of accounting of inventory items, fuels and lubricants, waste, overalls and special equipments.
As told TAdviser in Microtest company, solutions of 1C are usually implemented consistently (for example, at first at all enterprise accounting, then operational, production, and so on is automated). But on large industrial enterprise such "classical" approach not always leads the customer to understanding that it moves in the necessary direction. At such approach the customer will not be able to feel project deliverables all systems up to the end will not be implemented yet, consider in Microtest. The method applied by integrator during implementation of this project (as well as other projects on large industrial enterprises) consists in exarticulation of a specific business challenge and automation of the related processes (operational, accounting and production accounting). Thus, believe in the companies, the customer receives the "notable" solution of a separate task or even whole "layer" (in this case it is accounting of material values).
Within implementation on "ORMETO-YuUMZ" close interaction of subsystems of accounting and operational (warehouse) accounting was organized and also end-to-end accounting in two units of measure - in quantitative and weight expression is adjusted (that is necessary for cost accounting in proportion to weight). Access to the created system was already got by 120 employees of the customer. At the moment, as it is reported, works on full-scale automation of accounting are begun.