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IPChain Intellectual Property and Rights Transaction Network

The name of the base system (platform): Hyperledger Fabric
Developers: National Clearing House for Transactions with Intellectual Property Rights and Objects
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017
Branches: Law


The IPChain network, being a public-state intellectual blockchain, helps its participants quickly conclude transactions with rights and create additional guarantees for the protection of any results of creative work, no matter how copyright or patent rights they are protected.

IPChain returns the trust of the participants in each other that was once lost in the IP sphere. The use of blockchain technology implies that confirmed and verified groups of transactions are stored in blocks connected to each other in a resistant to unauthorized interference and allowing only an addition chain starting with the primary block. In essence, IPChain guarantees the invariability and absence of falsification of the history of the life of the OIC, becoming an infrastructure of trust and a guarantee of the purity of the transaction.

IPChain was developed for public, commercial and public organizations involved in the creation, management, commercialization, storage and use of a wide variety of OICs.

One of the key tasks of IPChain is to create conditions for minimizing the role of intermediaries and organizing direct interaction between manufacturers and consumers of intellectual results.

IPChain Network: Double Spiral of Registries

To implement the IPChain network, a HyperLedger platform was chosen that allows you to work with different information channels within one ledger (registry), defining a transaction confirmation policy for each of them. This makes it possible to separate commercially sensitive information and personal data from publicly available ones.

In parallel, the network operates two interconnected ledgers - the register of intellectual property objects (OIC) and the register of transactions with OIC.

The data model in the registry of IE objects contains both standard key fields necessary for unambiguous identification of the IE object, as well as text boxes that are filled with each member of the network in accordance with the information storage standard used by him. At the same time, such standards should be published online so that this information is available and understandable to other IPChain participants.

The register of transactions with OIC is a kind of chronological notary. It records 6 types of transactions: creazione - when registering an OIC in the network; accesso - at setting of OIC access mode; garanzia - information on OIC examination; valore - information on the valuation or placement of OIC for accounting; konflitto - information about the start, progress, and end of a dispute transazione - information about the start, progress and completion of the transaction with the rights to OIC.

IPChain: benefits

  • IPChain allows using flexible search algorithms to find the OIC of interest, trace its history and understand the current legal status.
  • IPChain allows you to store, verify and exchange information about OIC both within the network and with external counterparties.
  • IPChain allows you to build a variety of digital services using verified OIC information.
  • At the same time, IPChain is not a competitor to any of the existing services in the field of intellectual property or LegalTech, on the contrary, it is an infrastructure for digital services that provide services in the field of legal protection, protection and management of OIC rights.

IPChain: scope

  • The scope of IPChain is essentially not limited. Here are some examples of building services based on IPChain infrastructure.
  • The Quantorium network of children's technology parks is working on a service for children with a game form of creating a patent application and the possibility of fixing their rights to created developments in the IPChain network.
  • A group of leading universities led by the Siberian Federal University is preparing a platform for exchanging knowledge and copyright objects created in higher educational institutions - a service for fixing and circulating copyright on the results of student research.
  • As part of the disclosure of information about their activities, OKUPs plan to upload data on the actual use of phonograms and musical works to the IPChain network.
  • The Ministry of Culture of Russia is working on the possibility of launching a free license announcement service using data from IPChain.
  • Rospatent and FIPS are considering the possibility of implementing using IPChain a service to assemble technologies from individual results of intellectual activity.
  • NRIS and Gosfilmofond build digital repositories and reporting systems from digital displays on the basis of IPChain.


The Russian newsreel archive Net-Film has become an IPChain node

In July 2021, the Russian newsreel archive Net-Film became the node of the IPChain infrastructure blockchain. Now all users can view materials for free in the movie archives of Net-Film and the State Film Fund. Due to the fact that information about rights is recorded in the IPChain network, they can instantly conclude a contract in digital form and purchase a license for the commercial use of high-resolution video materials.

Together, the parties intend to achieve several goals. Firstly, to allow the acquirers of rights to easily find and use materials of historical and cultural heritage in a huge array of data of participants in the entire network. Secondly, to popularize among directors, producers, clip makers, creative entrepreneurs digital services for managing and protecting photo-film-video collections, including state archives. At the same time, the partners plan to increase the amount of extrabudgetary revenues to the State Film Fund by increasing the volume of licenses concluded and, as a result, increase the amount of deductions to the authors of works.

Cooperation with IPChain opens up new opportunities for creating a transparent online registry and operational control, checking the legitimacy of the license for archival materials, explained Net-Film CEO Marina Gridina: "At the same time, we guarantee that the confidentiality of the license buyer will be preserved as much as possible. At his discretion, he will be able, for example, to hide information about the transaction, but the data on its completion will remain open. "

Access to concluding transactions in the IPChain electronic registry through Net-Film services can be obtained not only by state archives, film and television companies, but also by any other owners of rights to audiovisual works, including individuals: the Net-Film portal provides the opportunity to download any video and photo content. There are two conditions - conclusion of user agreement and availability of necessary documents confirming copyright of content.

License agreements with copyright holders will be concluded in digital format "in one click." In turn, rights holders are guaranteed to receive remuneration for the use of archival materials, newsreels and documentaries, explained Andrei Krichevsky, president of the IPChain Association, chairman of the RSPP Committee on Intellectual Property and Creative Industries: "More and more consumers in the Russian audiovisual business legally use licensed materials from state archives and foundations. Now they have every opportunity to conclude digital agreements with copyright holders. Such transactions do not take much time and they have already become a priority and convenient way to ensure the protection of their intellectual rights in the digital environment. "

The transition from paper contracts to smart contracts not only meets the needs of the creative business, but also expands its capabilities ─ contributes to the formation of added value of products, scaling projects and entering foreign markets. The first 5 thousand transactions about the rights and transactions of the Net-Film service have already been placed in the IPChain blockchain infrastructure, added Andrei Krichevsky.

Soon, even greater detail of digital contracts will become possible, said Sergey Gorokhov, Deputy General Director of the State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan: "In a matter of seconds, it will be possible to get a license not only for video materials, but also for audio content - both archival and music from films. Smart contacts will independently receive the necessary rights and conduct mutual settlements with the Russian Copyright Society, one of the accredited rights management organizations on a collective basis. "

Net-Film posted in IPChain not only its own film documentation, but also audiovisual content of the State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan. With the help of a digital register of rights, it will become easier for film archive specialists to determine the right holders of audio recordings, and they already set themselves big plans. "Difficult work is necessary to us: only one audio library of State archive of the republic contains 150 thousand accounting units among which and pieces of music of a large uniform of the famous Tatar composers (symphonies, concerts) performed by the famous musicians and national folklore, records of broadcastings from the academic opera and ballet theater of Moussa Dzhalil, conservatory of N. Zhiganov, the Tatar platform and many other things, ─ everything, saved up by the State TV company Tatarstan. The earliest magnetic recording of a phonotech dates back to 1949, "─ explained Sergey Gorokhov.

The State Film Fund, in partnership with IPChain, comprehensively approached the organization of the convenient and legal use of the Russian film heritage, said Roman Chistyakov, First Deputy General Director of the State Film Fund: "Our task ─ to increase the number of film archive services provided in digital format. To do this, we are creating a distributed register of rights that will not only translate all transactions into online format and accelerate the process of obtaining licenses, but also automate the monitoring of violations against collections belonging to our archive. " GFF also plans to provide users with prompt access to information and statistics on who, when, for what period and in what territory copyright is granted.

The use of digital solutions to manage and protect the rights to state collections is a logical continuation of the digitization of the State Film Fund's film archives within the framework of the National Project "Culture." The totality of all measures, as well as the plans of the State Film Fund for the large-scale digital restoration of archival films, will ultimately make the country's film heritage available to all lovers and researchers of domestic cinema, Roman Chistyakov summed up.

Russian President Putin signed a decree on the creation of the "Russian Center for the Turnover of Rights to the Results of Creative Activity"

In June 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the creation of the public-state organization "Russian Center for the Turnover of Rights to the Results of Creative Activity." Its key function ─ supporting the connection to the IPChain infrastructure of corporate and public services and platforms owned by public and private companies. The founders of the Russian Center included the Ministry of Digital Arts and the IPChain Association. Thus, the IPChain network has become a state-wide infrastructure for the turnover and protection of rights to the results of creative activities.


Partnership with Rospatent

On February 21, 2018, the Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent) and the IPChain Association (National Coordinating Center for the Processing of Transactions with Intellectual Property Rights and Objects) signed a cooperation agreement.

The document provides for the implementation of joint projects aimed at the comprehensive development of the institute of intellectual property in the digital economy. According to the document, Rospatent, together with IPChain, will form practices and tools for managing the rights to the results of intellectual activity (RID) and individualization tools in the digital environment. The parties will jointly develop the national market for intellectual rights, as well as various services necessary for the transition to a digital economy, integration into the global market; Expand the scope, accessibility and time frame for intellectual property services.

One of the results of cooperation should be a reduction in federal spending and simplification of procedures for resolving disputes related to intellectual property.

Partnership with the Russian Professorial Assembly

On February 1, 2018, at the site of the First Professorship Forum, a ceremony was held to sign an agreement on cooperation and cooperation between the IPChain Association (National Coordinating Center for the Processing of Transactions with Intellectual Property Rights and Objects) and the all-Russian public organization Russian Professorship Assembly (RPS).

The agreement was signed by the President of the IPChain Association Andrei Krichevsky and the Chairman of the Russian Professorial Assembly, Mushroom Vladislav.

The Russian professorial meeting will become a full participant and operator of the IPChain network of transactions with intellectual property rights and objects. In particular, the RSP will participate in the formation and maintenance of the distributed registry, authentication of transaction data.


Partnership with BankPrav

On November 18, 2017, a ceremony was held to sign an agreement on the establishment of partnerships and the development of long-term mutually beneficial cooperation between the Association "National Coordinating Center for the Processing of Transactions with Intellectual Property Rights and Objects" (IPChain) and the operator and owner of the service - AiPiBi LLC.

An agreement between the IPChain Association and AiPiBi LLC was signed with the aim of introducing blockchain technologies and forming a network "trust infrastructure" in the field of intellectual property turnover.

As part of the agreement between IPChain Association and IPB Companies Company, it is planned to create an IPChain node based on the intellectual property registration and monetization service, as well as cooperation in the field of ensuring transparency of transactions with intellectual property objects for all market participants.

CPR, WIPO and RAO will combine a single database

In April 2017, it became known that in Russia, on the basis of the IPChain platform, it is planned to combine databases of rights to musical, audiovisual works and phonograms of state-accredited collective management organizations (OKUPs) - the Russian Union of Copyright Holders (CPR), the All-Russian Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Russian Copyright Society (RA).

In the future, the IPChain platform will be able to replace the outdated system of collective rights management and on its basis exchanges on the turnover of rights can be created - a modern transparent market mechanism that increases the capitalization of intelligent products.

The merger of OKUPOV databases will take place on the IPChain platform, an innovative project designed to form a national network of transactions of rights and intellectual property objects.

The IPChain platform project is implemented by the All-Russian Property Organization (WIPO) on the basis of blockchain technology together with the Skolkovo Foundation, leading scientific universities in Russia and societies for collective rights management.

Using the IPChain platform, it is planned to ensure the effectiveness and stability of remuneration payments to copyright holders. If until now the main thing was to increase the efficiency of fees and the accuracy of distribution, now automation of remuneration payments will come to the fore.

"The rightholder, who registered his catalog, entered his data into the IPChain network, confirmed his rights, indicated his payment details, may well conclude a smart contract with a collective management organization, which will imply transferring the accrued remuneration to his settlement account. This will happen automatically, thus, it will be possible to exclude the human factor in its negative manifestations, "said WIPO Director General Andrei Krichevsky

Global technology and informatization has made individual rights management a priority for development. Blockchain technology allows today to make such a movement of rights understandable and verified at each stage by the process, which is certainly one of the key requirements of both the owner of rights and the user.

Umbrella Collective Rights Management System

The Umbrella Model assumes that each of the accredited organizations specializes in performing certain functions for the entire collective rights management system. This approach helps to reduce transaction costs and improve interaction with authors and users.

Thus, the "umbrella" organization in terms of registration and work with rights holders for WIPO and CPR has become RAO, which has tremendous experience. In the first quarter of 2017, RAO specialists concluded more than 600 agreements with new copyright holders - while over the entire past year, CPR, RAO and WIPO concluded only 800 new agreements. Thus, now a much larger number of authors, performers and other rights holders will receive remuneration through a collective management mechanism.

At the same time, the functions of collecting remuneration for both authors and holders of related rights are performed by the All-Russian Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

"The effectiveness of this approach is already confirmed by the actual figures. In 2017, RAO and WIPO fees increased sharply - collectively by more than 10%. At the same time, RAO has already been able to reduce by 5% the deductions to cover its expenses, a similar decision will be made by WIPO in May this year, "said Andrei Krichevsky, Director General of WIPO

For the first time, the assumption that the right path for the development of organizations for collective rights management - the creation of "umbrella" organizations in each of the activities of OKUPs - was announced in June 2016.

Russia, there are four state-accredited organizations for collective rights management (OKUP): the Russian Union of Copyright Holders (CPR), the All-Russian Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Russian Copyright Society (RAO) and the Partnership for the Protection and Management of Rights in the Field of Art (PRAVIS IS).


At the end of 2016, in the Russian Federation, leading experts in the field of intellectual property announced and began to implement a project on the systemic transition of IP to the digital environment - the decentralized distributed intellectual property registry IPCHAIN, a network "trust infrastructure."

The initiator and operator of the project is the Association "National Coordinating Center for the Processing of Transactions with Intellectual Property Rights and Objects" (IPChain), established by the Development Fund of the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies (Fund Skolkovo""), All-Russian Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), NIU Higher School of Economics"," Russian Union of Copyright Holders (CPR), St. Petersburg National Research University, information technology Mechanics and Optics (), ITMO the Russian Copyright Society (RAO), the Partnership for the Protection and Management of Rights in the Field of Art (PRAVIS). IPCHAIN was the first systemically important innovation project for the national IP sector.