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2017/05/12 16:22:45

Interview of TAdviser with the director of business development of TerraLink company Nadezhda Pritulyuk

Nadezhda Pritulyuk, the director of business development of TerraLink, in an interview of TAdviser told about a company performance in Russia and in global market, priority products and the perspective directions.

We develop competences in the field of Big Data, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things

In the description of a mission many Russian IT companies use epithets the "leader" "leading" "largest". On the website at your company everything is quite modest – "we see ourselves partners of clients". What such modesty in positioning of business of the company is connected with?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: In our opinion, the market was tired of loud phrases and epithets. Actually it is important to customer to understand what specifically advantage bears cooperation with this or that contractor. Therefore in our mission we tried to formulate the main value which we bear to customers in increase in efficiency, security and organization of their business. But also in terms "leading" and "leader" to us is too, than to brag. Last year, for example, we received an award as the best partner in the world from OpenText corporation (Global Reseller of the Year 2016), became the first in the direction of SAP in the CIS countries (SAP Partner Excellence Award 2016 in EMEA), completed several sign projects on infrastructure, etc.

According to the reporting of SAP according to the results of the last two years business of the company in Russia and the CIS countries is reduced. It affected somehow business of the company?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: No, our business continues to grow. First, due to increase in demand for new technological solutions of SAP, such, as SAP ARIBA, SAP HANA and new ERP- the S/4 HANA system. Here it is necessary to pay tribute to our partner, SAP who thinly feels new trends in the market and quickly enough adapts the solutions for new tasks. Secondly, we are rather well diversified as territorially, and on the industries. And increase in export revenue of the company due to demand of our specialists in global market became the third, important factor. Last year large projects on SAP implementation and OpenText in the UAE, Israel and Switzerland started.

The SAP company has expensive solutions. In conditions when dollar exchange rate grew twice, import substitution works not only as political, but also as economic factor. Where does the company find clients for SAP products?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: For more than 20 years of presence in the market of the CIS products of SAP already so proved that in an Enterprise segment it has practically no competitors. As a rule, customers (telecommunications, finance, retail, an oil and gas complex and so forth) select SAP as vendor with more modern and technological solutions in the market of corporate business applications from the commercial sector.

In your opinion, import substitution in practice concerns only representatives of the state segment of economy?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: In my opinion, - yes. Private business continues to make decisions, proceeding from the business challenges.

On what directions does the company actively cooperate with SAP?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: We cooperate on a big range of products, now actively we develop the directions on new SAP products - S/4 HANA, Ariba and MDG and also a number of industry solutions for an oil and gas sector.

What to you the Russian IT market in general seems?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: Now the Russian IT market endures serious changes. On the one hand, after 2014 market size was strongly reduced that affected also a total quantity of active players, and redistribution of professional staff. On the other hand, now there is a wave of digital transformation of business which mentioned practically all industries, but for dive, of course, there were banks and telecommunication companies. For us it is some kind of call: the customer becomes more exacting, it forces us to master harder and harder technologies and to develop new competences. For example, to develop competences in IoT, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence.

What niche, by your assessment, is occupied in the Russian market by TerraLink company?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: If to speak about the Russian market, then I would select our key positions in such segments as business process automation of the enterprise and management of corporate information (ESM) and also our strong industry expertize in the Oil&Gas direction. At the same time we as the global company with offices in the USA, Canada, the UAE, Israel and the CIS countries, we strengthen our positions on these directions and in international markets.

What results of last year?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: At the end of 2016 total sales of TerraLink company on the region were 2 billion 866 million rubles that is 23% higher than a similar indicator for previous year. Besides, the whole last year passed under a banner of further business expansion on global markets to which number the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) where we began to offer our examination actively were added.

On what products does the company stake in promotion in global markets?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: In promotion in global markets we stake on products of our global partners, first of all, SAP and OpenText.

In the ECM direction the company cooperates with someone, in addition to OpenText?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: Yes, we work with a large number of vendors and we cooperate as with the large companies (IBM, Microsoft), and with the developers proposing complementary solutions (Nintex, Abbyy, Kofax and so forth).

How do you estimate the Russian market of cognitive technologies and products?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: To objectively estimate the market of cognitive technologies so far rather difficult since customers only begin to create the tasks. Several proprietary platforms from the global vendors equipped with libraries of mathematical algorithms which can be used for data analysis are presented at the market. We work with the Microsoft Azure and SAP platforms, creating on their basis solutions under specific business challenges of the customer. For today in the company the internal competence center on development of the direction of artificial intelligence is created. Our specialists completed Stanford courses and machine learning rates of Yandex Laboratory.

What it is possible to tell about the new geographical directions of business of the company – what progress?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: As I mentioned earlier, last year we came to the region of the Middle East, new to us, and North Africa, opened office in North America, in San Francisco, in addition to our office in Toronto. We also continue to expand our card of presence in the CIS countries, in particular implemented a number of projects in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, we conduct work in Azerbaijan now.

What perspectives of development of the company in the product plan, technology?

Nadezhda Pritulyuk: In the development plan for a product line we are going to focus on industry solutions gradually. Now we create the industry card that we could propose, proceeding from the customer's belonging to this or that segment of the market, to it not just standard solution, but a product of the class best of breed. For this purpose we have both a wide portfolio of multivendor solutions, and the developed competences of a number of key industries.