"The department of culture and tourism of the Novgorod region" automated industry monitoring
Customers: Department of culture and tourism of the Novgorod region
Contractors: Novek-service, Parus Product: Parus BudgetProject date: 2017/02 - 2017/04
Number of licenses: 500+
On May 15, 2017 the Novek-service company, the partner of Parus Corporation, announced project completion of automation of industry monitoring in Department of culture and tourism of the Novgorod region, based on software "PARUS — the Budget 8" according to the SaaS model.
Department of culture and tourism of the Novgorod region (2017)
Access to the software product as service is received by more than 500 organizations — cultural and leisure organizations, libraries, the museums, theaters, concert organizations, music and art schools, schools of arts, etc.
As a result the customer received the effective tool for collecting and data of statistical reporting from subordinated organizations. In a system 62 report forms, including 46 federal, 14 regional and internal office form. It allowed department of culture and tourism of the Novgorod region to hand over successfully annual accounts for 2016 in higher and regulatory authorities. An OLAP form is now developed for expansion of the opportunities of the analysis collected yielded and uses of its results in the managerial purposes.
The mechanism of check of control ratios, convenient for users, is implemented. A system automatically checks compliance of the set indicators from different report forms, at the same time users without the assistance of the programmer can adjust values of control formulas. It increases efficiency of solving of tasks, facing the staff of department of culture and tourism of the Novgorod region, and reliability of reporting data.