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Spinnaker Support Spineker Saport


Information technologies
Since 2008
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
115054, Dubininskaya St., 53, building 5, office 2e

Spinnaker Support company – the international service provider of third-party support and managed services of Oracle and SAP.



Business in Russia

2019: Leaving from the Russian market

On February 18, 2019 it became known of closing of the Russian representative office of Spinnaker Support — Start Ay-Ti LLC (till October of the 2018th was called Spinnekersapport of Russia). The company which is engaged in services of third-party technical support of the software of Oracle and SAP  could not find clients in the Russian Federation.

That "the Start Ah-Ti" is at a liquidation stage, Kommersant with reference to data from the USRLE reported. The edition source in the IT industry confirms withdrawal of the company from Russia. On the website Spinnaker Support information on office was gone in Moscow.

The service provider of technical support of a SAP software and Oracle — Spinnaker Support company — leaves Russia, without having found clients

Spinnaker Support which announced entry into the Russian market in the spring of 2017 was going to attract until the end of the same year about 10 customers in the country. Within three years the company expected to increase the customer base up to 100, including at the expense of public sector.

As the partner of Spinnaker Support in Russia the Energy Consulting IT company providing technical support of a SAP software for Tatneft and other large companies acted.

The head  of Smart Way Sergey Mironov says that attempts of Spinnaker Support  to find clients in Russia were unsuccessful, despite investments which by its estimates, could make $3 million.

According to data from  the website, in 2017 expenses Spinnekersapport of Russia made  17.2 million rubles at income in  346 thousand rubles. According to one of sources of Kommersant in IT market, Spinnaker Support tested services of IT support for metallurgical and Mechel mining company.

The marketing director in the region EMEA Rimini Street Paule Hope connected the withdrawal letter of the competing Spinnaker Support from Russia with "incorrect strategy" and, in particular, the wrong choice of the partner. Rimini Street which came in Russia in the middle of 2018, is not going to leave the market.[1]

2017: Opening of office in Russia

The American company Spinnaker Support specializing in third-party technical support of a SAP software and Oracle opened in May, 2017 in Russia Spinnaker Support Russia subsidiary company. Representatives of head structure assure that their services in the world cost an average 62% below, than directly at vendors. At the same time the provided service qualitatively has essentially other level — support is extremely detailed, it appears even in case of upgrade of an initial product under needs of the customer and extends to outdated versions of programs which vendors already ceased to support. The main tasks on the near future the company sees formation as leader of the domestic market of third-party technical support of a SAP software and Oracle and formation of a partner network in the territory of Russia and the CIS countries.

Role in the project of the partner of SAP

According to the USRLE, Spinnekersapport Rasha LLC was registered on March 28, 2017 as 100 percent "subsidiary" of Investkonsalting LLC which almost for 100% belongs to the Cyprus offshore "The company atberg investments limited" and less than for 0.1% to Ilya Vladimirovich Ponomarev[2].

The registration address Spinnekersapport of Russia (Moscow, Dubininskaya St., 53, building 5) matches the address of one of structures of the Russian partner integrator SAP — Energy Consulting companies. This organization about the partnership with Spinnaker Support states publicly.

In a conversation with CNews the chairman of the board of directors of Energy Consulting Mikhail Vladimirovich Ponomarev (it possesses different shares in its structures) reported that his company acts as the cofounder of the new project and also gave it personnel support. In particular, Alik Abdullin before new appointment was in it a top manager, and in USRLE base still is registered on responsible positions in a number of her legal persons.

The amount of investments of the Russian office neither of Energy Consulting, nor of Spinnaker Support is not called though Mikhail Ponomarev assures that need for investment injections should end within a year.


Alternative support of a SAP software is a support of the common software of SAP using resources of specialized provider without involvement of vendor of software. A main objective of rendering services of alternative support – cost optimization on maintenance of a standard SAP software.

  • Error correction of a system of SAP, including in a core
  • Software updating in connection with change of the legislation
  • Maintenance of changes

  • Services are rendered according to requirements of SLA: in terms and with quality, set by the Agreement of maintenance
  • Changes in the legislation are not just delivered in the form of patches for downloading, and are established directly in an information system of the Client
  • The cost of maintenance is determined by the volume of the rendered services and, as a rule, does not exceed 50% of the cost of maintenance of software of vendor

The scheme of interaction when rendering services
Alternative to services of SAP and Oracle Spinnaker Support. Red the block of services which is an alternative to vendor technical support is selected

Support type with economy of costs to 50%

  • Individual and flexible model of support on the principles of SLA
  • The pricing model is constructed on the basis of the number of the used, but not purchased software licenses
  • Support both standard software, and changed by the user of the code
  • Support to the version of software existing at the Customer unlimited time
  • Recommendations and consultations are included in standard support

Comparison of services in support of software of Spinnaker Support, 2017
  • Service okazyvatesya on the principles of SLA;
  • the pricing model of services is under construction taking into account the number of really used licenses, but not purchased licenses
  • support of both standard software, and the customized code;
  • support to the version of software existing at the Customer unlimited time for the fixed money.

Comparison of services in support of software of Spinnaker Support, 2017
  • the average time of response to the address of the customer – 8 minutes;
  • the selected engineer is assigned to each client.

Reasons of transition to third-party provider of services of support
  • First, at the solution to migrate on software from other producer. The reasons of such solution can be different. For example import substitution or just transition to other platform. In the course of this transition there is no sense to pay vendor a tezha money if you do not need updates
  • The second reason – need to optimize costs for support of earlier purchased software. The company can appear in a situation when realizes that it cannot continue to pay obligatory payment for TP PO to vendor.
  • Thirdly, the company has no need for development of a system, and as a result, it does not need new versions and updates. Also the Company uses the version of software which UZHE is not supported by vendor.
  • Normal desire of the client to receive for the money clear and "transparent" service as, on quality, and on volume is the fourth reason.

See Also

The largest outsourcers of support of SAP solutions in Russia

Отчет / обзор Дата выхода Цена, руб.
Крупнейшие аутсорсеры поддержки решений SAP в России: ранкинг TAdviser (ранкинг)Декабрь 2014Бесплатно
Крупнейшие аутсорсеры поддержки решений SAP: ранкинг TAdviser (обзор)Декабрь 2013Бесплатно
Крупнейшие аутсорсеры поддержки решений SAP в России: ранкинг TAdviser (обзор)Октябрь 2012Бесплатно
