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Баннер в шапке 2
Hundred-lean Vladimir
Hundred-lean Vladimir

Vladimir Stolin is the famous Russian psychologist and the entrepreneur in the field of consulting, the doctor of psychological sciences (1985), professor of the Moscow university of M.V. Lomonosov (1990), the author over 100 scientific publications and more than 120 articles and an interview on subjects of management and an organizational behavior, including 3 x monographs.

Vladimir Stolin has more than 25-year work experience in area of a training and psychological consultation. Is the founder of the Russia's first psychological consultation for the population (1979) and the first professional training company in Moscow (1988). Worked as the consultant in the international consulting group RHR International (USA).

In 1989 Vladimir Stolin based and headed "EKOPSI".

Fundamental knowledge, strategic vision and business intuition allowed Vladimir Stolin to display the company in market leaders of personnel consulting of Russia.

For years of work under the leadership of Vladimir Stolin tens of the largest consulting projects in many Russian and transnational holdings representing the different industries of business were implemented. The majority of these projects are examples of best practices of implementation of new technologies of work with personnel in Russia.

The extensive experience accumulated by Vladimir Stolin in the field of management of own business and consultation of shareholders and owners of leading companies of Russia and the world was successfully capitalized in the field of corporate management. In 2004 Vladimir Stolin became the founder of the Russia's first network training company "Meynstrim Consulting". Is a part of Boards of Directors of JSC Pharmacy Chain 36.6 and JSC EuroChem. In 2005-2007 the board member, the Chairman of the Committee on remunerations and appointments, the chairman of the board of directors of MDM Bank.