Customers: Joint stock bank power
Contractors: Softline Product: Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Subscription (EAS)Project date: 2017/02 - 2017/05
Announced Softline in June, 2017 end of the SAM project in Power of CB bank. In an IT-infrastructure analysis result for the customer recommendations for use of cloud solutions of Microsoft were created.
In anticipation of the termination of the agreement Enterprise Agreement Subscription the bank needed to update the number of the used licenses of Microsoft. IT-specialists of the organization asked for the help in Softline company which is an old IT-partner of bank and has all necessary competences for carrying out the Software Asset Management projects – SAM.
Experts of Softline carried out the analysis of IT-infrastructure of the customer and made the detailed scheme of use of all available categories softwares of Microsoft. In the project corporate agreements and also other channels of acquisition of software were considered. Specialists analyzed all available workstations and servers.
As the packet of office applications was required for most of specialists of the customer for daily work, and it planned additional purchase of licenses, at prolongation of the agreement of Enterprise Agreement Subscription it was offered to it to consider Office 365. The solution includes cloud instruments of joint work which functionality is similar to local versions, but at the same time well flexible management by the number of licenses. It will make costs for IT more predicted and will increase productivity of business processes.
In addition, the environment for development was necessary for IT-specialists of bank. It proposed a cloud solution of Microsoft Visual Studio Team System – a component of the Azure DevTest Labs platform. This test environment meets increased requirements to security, and due to cloud placement does not create additional load of the equipment.